EEAS Agenda for Diversity and Inclusion... the start of a journey

What I find important when I read this Agenda is the fact that it emphasizes that the notions of diversity and inclusion are closely linked to the promotion and protection of human rights conceived as universal values around the world.

 - Josep Borrell Fontelles


On 16 February 2023, EEAS Secretary-General Stefano Sannino launched the EEAS Agenda for Diversity and Inclusion during a hybrid town hall meeting with staff attending from Headquarters and EU delegations from around the world.

This Agenda is the first EEAS strategy that covers all grounds of discrimination, and brings together into one comprehensive document both external and internal aspects of diversity and inclusion. The document outlines the key objectives for six strands of action. It spells out the ‘what’, our central aim: to ensure a greater mainstreaming of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout EU external actions and it reiterates our commitment to combat discrimination on any ground. It sets out the ‘how’: by being proactive, persistent and vocal.

The Secretary General pointed out that the launch event is a “call to action” and “this is the start of a journey that we have to do together”. He also stressed that by increasing political visibility of civil society organisations, human rights defenders and activists, EU delegations can help create a safe space for these groups in their struggle for the recognition of their rights and respect.

In her intervention, the Ambassador for Gender and Diversity, Stella Ronner-Grubačić, stressed the need to lead by example. The EEAS has to ensure that all its actions, in all policy areas, have different impact on different groups of people, and that we do not discriminate against any group of people in any action we take. It also means that we promote broad and meaningful participation and inclusion, both internally and in our work with partners. This also means that we have to have ‘our own house in order’.

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