Building long-lasting ties

For the EU, the relationship with the US is of paramount importance and the transatlantic partnership is now at a particularly strong juncture. However, our ties with the US need to consider the demographic and political shifts in the United States, and our priority is to ensure that this partnership remains strong. This is why the EU-US Emerging Leaders Visitors Programme will aim to strengthen and cultivate long-lasting relationships by raising the understanding of the EU, its values and policies, and of the imperative of a strong and vibrant transatlantic partnership.

EU-US Emerging Leaders Visitors Programme is intended to be complementary to existing people-to-people projects developed at the EU level and by the Member States, particularly focused on younger generation, promoting diversity in our relationship. It is developed in full coordination with the EU Visitors Programme (EUVP).

Who are the visitors?

Young, upcoming and vocal generation of US leaders – representatives of federal or local government, political parties, think-tanks, business, non-for-profit organisations, and academia. Groups of visitors will be composed of wide range of social, economic, ethnic and geographical background.

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    EU-US Emerging Leaders - Visitors Programme

The Programme

This two-year programme, from September 2022 to August 2024, is made of a series of one-week visits, combining two days in Brussels and three days in one of the ten participating Member States (Austria, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain).

After an immersion in the Brussels bubble, with meetings with EU institutions’ staff, as well as relevant interlocutors from private sector and civil society, the idea is to show the wider face of Europe, with travel and engagement in Member States that take part in the programme.

Each study visit focused on topics linked to the priorities of the EU-US partnership, such as: protecting the planet and fostering green growth, strengthening trade, investment and technological cooperation, building a more democratic, peaceful and secure world.

Based on those, each visit programme followed a specific theme.

The visits that took place are:

  • Ireland 19-25 February 2023: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation on the Island of Ireland, with visits to Dublin, Belfast and Dungannon.
  • Portugal 16-22 April 2023: Blue Economy, with visits to Lisbon and Sines.
  • Austria 25 June-1 July 2023: Comprehensive Security, with visit to Vienna.
  • Romania 24-29 September 2023: Energy Security, with visits to Bucharest and Cernavodă.
  • Luxembourg 8-13 October 2023: Space for a Greener Future, with visit to Luxembourg.
  • Spain 26 November-1 December 2023: Renewable Energy, with visits to Madrid, Toledo and Alcobendas.
  • France 18-23 February 2024: The Economy of the Future: What Technological Standards?, with visit to Paris.
  • Lithuania 21-26 April 2024: Security Dilemmas of the Baltic Region, with visits to Vilnius and Pabradė.
  • Slovenia 26-31 May 2024: Deployment of Green Technologies, with visits to Ljubljana, Bled, Postojna and Vipava.
  • Greece 9-14 June 2024: Fostering Innovation and Investments, with visits to Athens and Agia Paraskevi.

European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP)

The European Union Visitors Programme (EUVP) is the key strategic tool of the EU’s public, people-to-people diplomacy enhancing the EU’s smart power, global impact and outreach. The EUVP’s distinguished Alumni include many former and current national political leaders, high-ranking government officials, academics and business people.

In close cooperation with EU Delegations throughout the world, the EUVP invites young political leaders and opinion-formers. They come from countries and international organisations outside the EU. Their study visits enhance mutual knowledge and understanding, foster common values, and promote EU interests and policies.

Find out more

EU Alumni

Participants will be invited to register on the platform, to be informed of the events organized by the EU not only in Europe and Washington DC, New York, but all over the world. They will also have the opportunity to make contact with alumni of other EU-funded programmes.



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