#EUBeachCleanup2022 in Jordan - 21-22 September

On the 21-22 September, EU in Jordan together with the Maritime Society for Environmental Conservation in Jordan (JREDS) organised the EU Beach Clean-up 2022, in Aqaba to clean beaches, educate youth on the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse & Recycle as well as encourage long-term positive environmental behavioural change within the local communities.

EU Beach Clean up in Jordan

This activity that took place in the framework of the worldwide initiative “Clean up the World 2022” saw a massive participation of more than 600 people only for the garbage collection in the public sites of South and Almamlah Beach beaches. 

Other environmental raising awareness workshops were organised at the SOS Children's Village in Aqaba with around 70 children (between 6-18 years old) from several local community homes and schools, as well as their family members. 

A fish structure was installed in the SOS Aqaba village to collect single-use plastics with the aim of making recycling workshops in the future.

EU Beach Clean up in Jordan

Other activities also included a mobile environmental library, the “ECO-BUS” with many interactive games, a puppet show, a virtual reality game aiming at sorting out different types of waste and recyclable materials, as well as a short Eco-theatre play to spread awareness about recycling.


EU Beach Clean up in Jordan