DG NEAR’s main meeting room named in memory of Sophie Beaumont

Sophie Beaumont was a long-term colleague to many in the European Commission. Her work as a champion for disability rights touched even more people and continues to do so still today. To honour her life's work, the main meeting room of the L15 building was named "Sophie Beaumont Room" during a small ceremony held on 13 July 2022.

Prior to her passing on 7 August 2021, Sophie w​orked in NEAR C3 on the TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) instrument. Through TAIEX, she focused on promoting best EU practices on social and employment issues with exceptional energy and dedication.

Before joining the Institution Building Unit, Sophie made a significant contribution to the work of the EU delegations in the Western Balkans. During her time in the EU delegation in Skopje as a Programme Manager, Gender Focal Point and Disability Focal Point, Sophie mainstreamed disability inclusion and disability rights across all thematic sectors. She also worked seven years in the EU Office in Kosovo as a Programme Manager overseeing projects in the field of education, and the social and employment sector.

Before joining the European Commission, Sophie was a full-time advocate for disability rights in organisations such as the European Parliament Disability Intergroup, the European Disability Forum and International Disability and Development Consortium. However, her first professional experience was still with the Commission: as a trainee in the DG External Relations in autumn 1990.

Recognising Sophie's inspiring work, some of the new EU-funded housing units for people with disabilities inaugurated in February 2022 in Demir Kapija, North Macedonia, were named in her memory. The staff of the EU Delegation in Skopje also collected donations for people with disabilities. De-institutionalisation of disability care in North Macedonia was an activity initiated by Sophie when she worked at the Delegation.

In parallel, DG NEAR colleagues at the HQ have dedicated the main DG NEAR meeting room to her memory on the 9th floor of the L15 building. Now titled "Sophie Beaumont Room", it is decorated with a plate that reads: "One life lived, many lives touched". This captures beautifully Sophie's important and lasting legacy.​

Watch below the video of the ceremony. ​​

Video file