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The question “Quo Vadis Europe?” is more pertinent than ever in this year 2022 when the international community, and in particular Europe, is incredulously witnessing the return of war to our continent. If the European Union is a political actor in constant flux, the war of aggression in Ukraine forces us to redefine ourselves as a global actor in the world order: what impact will this war and the instability it generates have on Europe’s political, economic, and social stability?

This course aims to reflect on all this in a multidisciplinary discussion focusing on the birth of geopolitical Europe; and on an analysis of the mistakes/omissions made and the scenarios to be designed. Over five days and in a total of eight sessions, the following topics will be analysed, among others: the reaction of the EU and its states to the war; how to move from reactive support measures for Ukraine to the consolidation of a proactive EU policy in the field of defence; the sources of Putin and Russia’s conduct and the possible future scenarios; the role of other global actors such as China and the Global South the joint use of military; the narrative dimension and the establishment of an EU narrative: how to fight disinformation?; the struggle for technological hegemony; the geopolitics of energy and climate change; and the impact of the war in future of Europe’s integration.

This course at the UIMP is an ideal framework for reflecting from different fields and sensibilities on future scenarios to which we cannot afford a technical and short-sighted response.

The birth of Geopolitical Europe

• Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Vice-president of the
European Commission

• Conversation between Josep Borrell and Sylvie Kauffmann (Editorial Director, Le

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Key Messages

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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  • Image
    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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  • Image
    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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    Programme - Quo Vadis Europa? the birth of geopolitical Europe

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Download the programme of the summer course here.

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