Ukraine: the EU Advisory Mission returns to Ukraine

18.05.2022 EEAS Press Team

The EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM) is returning today to Kyiv, after it was forced to evacuate on 24 February because of Russia’s invasion.

Josep Borrell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: “I am glad to announce the redeployment of the European Union Advisory Mission back to Ukraine. In addition to its other tasks, the mission will now support the critical work of the Ukrainian General Prosecutor to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of any international crimes committed in the context of Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military aggression against Ukraine.  Those responsible for atrocities and war crimes, and their accomplices, will be held to account in accordance with international law.”

A core team of 15 EUAM staff is being redeployed to continue contacts with Ukrainian authorities more directly, and support them notably in the investigation and prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Mission plans to gradually increase its international presence in Ukraine throughout the summer, in line with the developing security situation in the country. Currently, the Mission’s temporary headquarters are located in Rszezow in southern Poland.

In the context of the ongoing  Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the Mission has developed new work strands in support of Ukrainian authorities, in addition to its advisory activities under the original mandate. This includes deploying teams to the Ukrainian side of border crossing points with Poland, Slovakia, and Romania to facilitate to flow of people and goods across the border. It also includes supporting Ukrainian authorities, in particular to the Prosecutor General and Law Enforcement Agencies, with investigating and prosecuting international crimes. The Mission is also donating emergency equipment to help its partners.

Background: The EU Advisory Mission supports the Ukrainian civilian security sector through strategic advice, training and the donation of equipment to help law enforcement agencies operate in line with European standards and principles. This will help them become more efficient, effective, and trusted by the public. For further information on the EU Advisory Mission, its 350 staff and advisory activities, please see the Mission’s homepage.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53