The projects consist of a set of actions or interventions that cover several sectors of activity: governance, economic and institutional reforms, trade and regional integration, infrastructure, communications and transport.  

Some of these programs are currently being implemented. Others, which have been implemented for a longer period of time, have had a significant impact on the lives of the target populations. 

The current active portfolio of programs/projects supported by the European Union, including regional projects, is estimated at more than €500 million (nearly CFAF 328 billion).   

Cameroon Competitiveness Support Facility (DACC)

Ongoing Program

The Cameroon Competitiveness Support Facility (DACC) is in line with the EU's commitment to accompany the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in Cameroon. It is also part of the new European Consensus on Development, as well as the deployment of the EU's External Investment Plan. These new instruments are unique in that they place a strong emphasis on trade and investment, particularly in the relationship between the European Union and the ACP States. 

Overall, this program aims to improve Cameroon's competitiveness by strengthening the capacities of its economic operators and by promoting an institutional environment that is more conducive to business, thus enabling it to take better advantage of trade liberalization, including that resulting from the implementation of the EPA, and to stimulate economic growth and job creation.  

The program is structured in 3 components:

  • Support to enterprises and intermediary organizations.
  • Business climate and support to public-private dialogue.
  • Standardization and energy efficiency of the productive sectors. 

For more information click here.  

The Budget Support Program in the Rural Development Sector

Ongoing Program

The objective of the "Sectoral Reform Contract (SRC)-'Rural Development'" is to promote sustainable and inclusive development in the rural sector, in order to increase its contribution to Cameroon's economic growth. This program provides budget support for the implementation of the strategy and related sectoral policies and complementary support for institutional support and capacity building. 

Among other things, it aims to increase the productivity of Family Farming Enterprises through:

  • The establishment of an effective and efficient system of access to key agro-pastoral inputs and services for men and women farmers (improved seeds; fertilizers; veterinary services). 
  • The strengthening of public research, advice and agricultural extension. 
  • Implementing a strategy to open up production basins. 
  • Improving the efficiency of public action and the quality of public policies. 

For more information, click here.

Rural Development Support Program (ABC-PADER)

Ongoing Program

This program, with an envelope of about 6.2 billion CFA francs, aims to improve the socio-economic situation and the income of producers, in a perspective of preservation of natural resources in the cotton basin of Cameroon. The target group and direct beneficiaries of the program are the small producers and entrepreneurs of the agro-pastoral sector (women and youth) of this cotton basin. 

The cotton sector in Cameroon is of major importance for the rural development of the North, Far North and Adamaoua regions. The production concerns approximately 160,000 producers gathered by the National Confederation of Cotton Producers in Cameroon (CNPCC). The sector directly supports more than two million people, i.e. 25% of the population of the North. Cotton production is around 300,000 tons per year, representing 1.5% of the national GDP, 5% of the agricultural GDP and 15% of the GDP of the North.  It is a sector with strong development and export potential. This development must be achieved by taking into account its socio-economic and environmental impacts.

Chad-Cameroon Interconnection Project (PIRECT)

Ongoing Program

The project aims to ensure the electrical interconnection between the Cameroonian and Chadian networks. Concretely, it is a question of building a high voltage line of 225 KW between the cities of Ngaoundéré and N'Djamena, while extending the electrical distribution network along this corridor.

Projects and Programs already Closed

Capacity building for self-management of development processes at the local level 

Access to drinking water is a significant issue in terms of human development. According to Cameroonian government statistics, the rate of access to drinking water at the national level in rural areas is approximately 33%. In the Western region, it is only 24%. Such a situation has important repercussions on the health of the population. 

For more information click here.

Sustainable management of drinking water systems integrating water quality, hygiene and sanitation 

The project aims to improve sustainable access to drinking water, hygiene and sanitation in 3 municipalities in the Adamaoua and North Cameroon regions. 

For more information click here.

Border Police and Civil Security Capacity Building Program in Northern Cameroon 

The main objective of the project is to restore a climate of trust between the population of the Far North region and the State of Cameroon by strengthening the operational capacities of the public services in charge of risk management and border management. 

For more information click here.  

Program to support the improvement of the competitiveness of the Cameroonian economy (PACOM) 

The objective of the program is to help small and medium-sized Cameroonian enterprises to develop in the industrial and agro-industrial productive sector. 

More Projects and Programs already Closed

Rural Development Program for the East, Far North and North West Regions 

The objective is to improve the sustainability of the living conditions of the populations in the intervention zone.  

For more information, click here.

Support Program for the Improvement of Agricultural Productivity 

The objective of the program is to improve the income of agro-pastoral family farmers in the northern part of the country through more efficient professional networks. 

For more information, click here.

10th EDF Road Program, Phase 2 

The overall objective is to improve the living conditions of the population through regional integration and the opening up of rural areas through efficient infrastructure. 

For more information, click here.

Reinforcement works of the natural dam of Lake Nyos 

The overall objective is to contribute to the securing of the Lake Nyos area, within the framework of a vast program involving the Cameroonian government and other donors, in order to enable the populations displaced after the August 1987 disaster to resettle in their original environment. 

For more information, click here.

Capacity building for CO2 mitigation from international aviation  

The main objective of the ICAO — European Commission Assistance Project is to contribute to the mitigation of CO2 emissions from international aviation by implementing capacity building activities that will support the development of low carbon air transport and environmental sustainability in the fourteen States belonging to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs and SIDS).  

For more information click here.