The EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been dialogue partners since 1977, with the shared values and principles of a rules-based international order, effective and sustainable multilateralism, as well as free and fair trade.  

Dialogue between the EU and ASEAN spans more than 45 years. Following the 23rd EU-ASEAN Ministerial meeting on 1 December 2020, the EU and ASEAN opened a new chapter in their longstanding relationship by becoming Strategic Partners. Another pivotal milestone in this relationship was achieved during the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit in December 2022.

The EU is a founding and active member of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which aims to foster constructive dialogue and consultation through confidence-building and preventive diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific region with a view to ensuring peace, prosperity and stability in the Indo Pacific region.

The EU is ASEAN's 3rd largest trading partner, accounting for around 10% of ASEAN trade. Meanwhile ASEAN, as a whole, is the EU’s 3rd largest trading partner outside Europe with bilateral trade in goods reaching €272 billion in 2022.

For the period 2021 and 2027, the EU has earmarked €180 million for regional cooperation with ASEAN to support key areas aligned with the EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership.

During the EU-ASEAN 45 years Commemorative Summit, the EU also pledged to mobilize EUR 10 billion for connectivity projects in ASEAN under the Global Gateway initiative.

In Focus

EU-ASEAN General Factsheet

Political Relations

Dialogue between the EU and ASEAN spans more than 40 years. The European Economic Community (EEC) was the first entity to establish informal ties with ASEAN in 1972. The 10th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in 1977 formalised relations, which were institutionalised with the signing of the ASEAN-EEC Cooperation Agreement in March 1980. 

ASEAN-EU relations are guided by the Nuremberg Declaration on an EU-ASEAN Enhanced Partnership, adopted in March 2007. The Declaration sets out the long-term vision and commitment of both sides to work together. With the adoption of the ASEAN Charter in 2008, the EU initiated formal diplomatic relations with ASEAN in March 2009, followed by the EU countries. 

In 2012, the EU became the first regional organisation to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) — an important milestone, boosting the EU's political and security engagement with the region. 

On August 8th, 2015 (ASEAN Day), the EU established a diplomatic Mission to ASEAN and appointed a dedicated Ambassador. On December 1st, 2020, the 23rd EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting elevated the EU-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership to a Strategic Partnership. 

Security and Defence Cooperation

The EU is a founding and active member of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which aims to foster constructive dialogue and consultation through confidence-building and preventive diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific region with a view to ensuring peace, prosperity and stability in the region and beyond. 

The EU and ASEAN have also been working in many non-traditional security areas, such as maritime security, conflict prevention, mediation and reconciliation, crisis management, transnational crime, counter-terrorism, cybersecurity and non-proliferation. 

Economic Relations, Trade and Investment

The EU is actively engaged with ASEAN in expanding trade and investment relations, which have intensified considerably during the last decade. 

The EU is ASEAN's 3rd largest trading partner, accounting for around 10% of ASEAN trade. Meanwhile ASEAN, as a whole, is the EU’s 3rd largest trading partner outside Europe with bilateral trade in goods reaching €272 billion in 2022. Bilateral trade in services amounted to €92.8 billion in 2021.

In 2022, the EU was the third largest investor in ASEAN countries. In 2021, the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) stocks into ASEAN accounted for €359,1 billion. 

On 17 October 2022, ASEAN and the EU signed the ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (AE CATA). The AE CATA is the world’s first bloc-to-bloc air transport agreement and will bolster connectivity and economic development among the 37 Member States of ASEAN and the EU, connecting 1.1 billion people.

Supporting ASEAN’s Community Building

The EU is a major development cooperation partner of ASEAN and its Member States.

For the period 2021 and 2027, the EU has earmarked €180 million for regional cooperation with ASEAN to support key areas aligned with the EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership. During last year's EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit, the EU also pledged to mobilize EUR 10 billion for connectivity projects in ASEAN under the Global Gateway initiative.

Two prominent Team Europe Initiatives on Green and Sustainable Connectivity aimed to generate a combined contribution of around €2 billion each have since been launched.

Regional development cooperation programmes focus mainly on connectivity through sustainable economic integration and trade; climate change, environment and disaster management; comprehensive EU-ASEAN policy dialogue in joint areas of interest; higher education and student mobility in ASEAN; and the elimination of violence against women and girls and support to the rights and opportunities of women migrant workers. 

The ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Sustainable Development started in 2017 and is an important high-level policy platform for exchanges on sustainable development cooperation. The 3rd ASEAN-EU Dialogue on Sustainable Development took place on 18 November 2021, under the theme 'Towards a Greener, more Innovative, Equal, and Inclusive Future.' It provided a platform for ASEAN and the EU to share experiences and perspectives on various topics aimed at fostering sustainable development. These topics include climate action, the environment, the green economy, research and innovation, digitalization, and women's economic empowerment.

Global Gateway

Global Gateway is Europe's offer to its partners for smart, clean and secure infrastructures and links. It boosts sustainable investments in digital, transport, energy and climate relevant sectors and in health, education and research systems. It will help to tackle the most pressing global challenges, from fighting climate change, to improving health systems, and making economies more resilient.

Global Gateway in ASEAN

Global Gateway in ASEAN

EU-ASEAN Milestones


EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit


ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (AE CATA) concluded


EU Mission to ASEAN becomes a fully fledged EU Delegation to ASEAN


EU and ASEAN become Strategic Partner


ASEAN-EU Plan of Action 2018-2022 adopted


EU Mission to ASEAN established


1st dedicated EU Ambassador to ASEAN appointed


Bandar Seri Begawan Plan of Action 2013-2017 adopted


EU accession to ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC)


EU and its Member States start to appoint Representatives to ASEAN


Nuremberg Declaration on an Enhanced EU-ASEAN Partnership signed


EU and ASEAN cooperate in Aceh Monitoring Mission


EU and ASEAN+3 established Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)


Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) established


ASEAN-EEC Cooperation Agreement signed


1st Ministerial Meeting, Brussels


Formal relations established


  Informal relations established