IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival


On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the Delegation of European Union to Azerbaijan, in cooperation with EU MS Embassies accredited in Azerbaijan, Embassies of Switzerland, Norway, Peru, Israel, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba and Brazil, Park Cinema, Landmark Hotel, DokuBaku, "United Cultures", Baku Media Centre, YARAT and with the support of Turkish Airlines and Asan radio 100 FM, organizes the first edition of IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival. IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival aims to promote the values of the intercultural dialogue and tolerance through different expressions of art.

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IMAGINE Euro Tolerance Festival will be held in Baku from 12 to 20 October 2017 and presents a dense calendar of events: musical performances, debates and discussions, film screenings, photo video contest, art exhibitions and more. A number of well-known film directors, musicians and other artists and performers are expected to be present in Baku in the framework of IMAGINE. 

Particularly relevant is the cinema section. 20 European documentary films on the theme of tolerance and diversity will be presented in the framework of DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival. DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival will bring a selection of distinguished non-fiction and documentary films from all around the world to Azeri audiences. The main theme of this first edition’s festival is Testing Reality where various new approaches to social and cultural matters will be explored.

Moreover, this year the fifth edition of the “Cinema for Social Change” program is set to take place as part of Imagine and DokuBaku. “Cinema for Social Change” is an international film project dedicated to presenting documentary and feature films focused on some of the essential political and social issues facing people today, organized by Adam Mickiewicz Institute in collaboration with Embassy of Poland.The cooperation between Imagine, DokuBaku and Cinema for Social Change will give life to an extraordinary event that will allow people to enjoy more than 40 movies from 20 countries, in conventional and non-conventional cinema halls and cafes around Baku.In addition to exposing Azerbaijani audience to the documentary genre, the festival will support local documentary filmmakers by encouraging the production and screening of local films. Film screenings will be complemented with discussions and debates on various social issues with the participation of local and international film professionals.Imagine and DokuBaku create an opportunity for the local artists and filmmakers to participate in these festivals. Imagine has launched a photo/video contest on the theme of tolerance, while DokuBaku has announced a call for submissions of short documentaries by Azerbaijani directors living in the country and abroad for its competition program.

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