Visit by High Representative and Vice-President Federica Mogherini to Paris


Today, High Representative and Vice-President Federica Mogherini was visiting Paris to participate in the launch of the joint initiative on the Alliance for the Sahel between the EU, France and Germany.


The signature of the Alliance for the Sahel took place in the margins of the Franco‑German Ministerial Council in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 'Guaranteeing security, stability and development in the countries of the Sahel is first and foremost in the interests of Africans, but also of Europeans. We are neighbours, and we must respond to the challenges involved in combating terrorism, trafficking and climate change together. This Alliance helps to increase, better coordinate and step up our support for a strategically important region. ' declared Federica Mogherini.

The High Representative also met the Minister for Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves le Drian. Their discussion encompassed EU-French cooperation on the Sahel, particularly in the context of support for the G5 Sahel group, as well as Libya and the situation in the Gulf. The Europe of Defence next steps were also on the agenda.

Finally, Federica Mogherini participated in a meeting on Europe of Defence with the French, Spanish, Italian and German Defence Ministers (Florence Parly, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, Roberta Pinotti and Ursula Van der Leyen, respectively). 'This meeting has enabled progress to be made on the practical follow-up required on the decisions taken at June's European Council, and facilitated discussions on the project options to be proposed by Member States in the framework of permanent structured cooperation. All the conditions required to progress quickly and effectively in this direction are in place', the High Representative added.

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