EU adopts its policy framework on support to transitional justice


At the Foreign Affairs Council on Monday, the EU adopted its policy framework on support to transitional justice. In doing so, the EU has underlined its commitment to support these processes and has become the first regional organisation to have a dedicated strategy towards transitional justice. The international community must work together to support post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies.

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The EU is already extremely active in supporting transitional justice through its conflict prevention, crisis response and peacebuilding, security and development activities. It is one of the largest financial contributors to transitional justice initiatives worldwide, providing financing to justice, truth seeking initiatives, institutional reform and reparations programmes including through support to civil society and victims’ groups.

The policy framework seeks to ensure that the EU continues to play an active and consistent role in its engagement with partner countries and international and regional organisations in support of transitional justice processes. The EU stresses the need for a context-specific, locally owned approach to transitional justice with the rights and participation of victims at its heart.

The EU promotes a comprehensive, long-term approach to transitional justice aimed at fighting impunity, providing recognition and redress to victims, fostering trust, strengthening the rule of law and contributing to reconciliation and non-recurrence.


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