Local Statement on administrative detention of Palestinians in Israeli prisons


Jerusalem, 8 December 2016


Local Statement on administrative detention of Palestinians in Israeli prisons


The European Union Representative, the EU Heads of Mission and the Heads of Mission of Switzerland and Norway in Jerusalem and Ramallah issue the following statement.

The Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah reiterate their longstanding concern about the extensive use by Israel of administrative detention without formal charge. Mohammed Abu Sakha, a trainer at the Palestinian Circus School, has been in administrative detention for almost a year and the decision for a possible extension will be taken within the coming days.

The Heads of Mission are also concerned about the deteriorating health condition of Anas Shadid, 19, and Ahmad Abu Fara, 29, on hunger strike since over two months against their administrative detention order.

There are now over 700 Palestinians, including at least 3 minors, being held in administrative detention, a number which has more than doubled within the last 18 months. The EU, Switzerland and Norway call for the full respect of international human rights obligations towards all prisoners. Detainees have the right to be informed about the charges underlying any detention, must be granted access to legal assistance, and be subject to a fair trial.



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Palestine (*) - Occupied Palestinian Territory, West Bank and Gaza Strip