A significant number of projects are currently being carried out across a wide range of sectors, regions and cities in Kuwait.

EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification

A project funded by the European Union

The EU-GCC Dialogue on Economic Diversification Project is financed by the European Union through its FPI Partnership Instrument. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to stronger EU-GCC relations by supporting the GCC countries’ ongoing process of economic diversification away from the hydrocarbon sector.

The project addresses a number of key issues to support and enhance trade and investment links between the EU and GCC member countries.

The project has established an extensive network of stakeholders both in Europe and the GCC to discuss and co-operate on issues such as climate-friendly trade and investment. Stakeholders include both public administrations and policymakers from both Europe and the Gulf and business and industry with an existing or potential interest in the GCC.

The promotion and networking of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) including start-ups is a particular focus for project activities providing support to GCC stakeholders in SME promotion and networking between EU and GCC SMEs.

The project also proactively promotes the participation of women stakeholders from both the EU and GCC across all its activities through ensuring the participation of women in technical working groups, roundtables, training and study visits and through disseminating successful business cases of women entrepreneurs.

Scope of work

To support climate friendly trade, investment and economic affairs between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) at both regional and country levels in the context of the GCC economic diversification processes, project activities are focused around three output areas:

  • Output Area 1

Strengthening cooperation and dialogue between EU and GCC countries in the areas of Trade, Investment and Economic Affairs.

  • Output Area 2

Strengthening Policy analysis related to EU-GCC Trade, Investment and Economic Affairs.

  • Output Area 3

Ensuring a steady flow of enhanced information between EU and GCC stakeholders in the fields of Trade, Investment and Economic Affairs.

Policy papers and research

The Enhanced EU-GCC Political Dialogue, Cooperation and Outreach project is financed by the European Union through its FPI Partnership Instrument. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a stronger relationship between the European Union and the GCC countries, by strengthening the political dialogue, cooperation and outreach, both regionally and at an individual country level. The project was launched in December 2020 and will run until November 2023.

The project is cooperating with a number of state and non-state EU and GCC actors, including government officials, business representatives, think tanks, academia, NGOs, media representatives, student and youth groups.

The project also proactively promotes gender equality and youth empowerment by directly engaging with communities of youth and women and ensuring their active participation in the project’s activities.

Scope of work

The project team will work to support the deepening of political cooperation by delivering a number of practical tools and activities, notably in the area of social transformation. The project will also provide a systematic mechanism for identifying and (as relevant) delivering concrete outputs for the implementation of the Cooperation Arrangements between the European Union and GCC countries.

In addition to supporting political cooperation, the project aims to enhance the overall relationship between the EU and the GCC countries through public diplomacy and outreach activities. The project activities are therefore focused around four output areas:

  • Output Area 1

Contribute to the ongoing national transformation processes of the GCC countries in areas of mutual interest.

  • Output Area 2

Facilitate a more effective implementation and monitoring of the Cooperation Arrangements between the EU and individual GCC states.

  • Output Area 3

Enhance the understanding and perception of the EU by both state and non-state stakeholders in the region.

  • Output Area 4

Strengthen trust and mutual understanding between EU and GCC citizens.


Project Team at EUGCCDialogue@equinoccio.eu