Message from Ambassador Anne Koistinen


Dear visitor,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of the EU Delegation to the State of Kuwait.

Kuwait is a close and reliable friend of the EU, and the first Gulf country to sign a Cooperation Arrangement with the European External Action Service in July 2016. In May 2022, the European Union unveiled its roadmap Strategic Partnership with the Gulf for broadening and deepening cooperation between the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) countries including Kuwait.

The EU views Kuwait as a like-minded partner in a dynamic region, especially when it comes to humanitarian issues and advocating for peace and diplomacy. The EU is the second trading partner for Kuwait, but we can still do more together. My mission is to translate these words into action, working in a “Team Europe” spirit together with EU Member States.

During my mandate, I will invest my efforts to enhance bilateral relations across various sectors, including political cooperation, trade and investment, energy, climate change, economic diversification, education, health, research and innovation as well as regional security and stability. The EU also shares with Kuwait the belief that humanitarian aid is vital in supporting vulnerable people in the region and beyond.

Another area of cooperation between the EU and Kuwait is inter-cultural cooperation, students mobility, higher education cooperation, women empowerment and people-to-people exchanges, which will improve mutual understanding and trust between our peoples. In that sense, facilitating travel requirements to the European Union is also one of my priorities.

Overall, the EU and Kuwait stand to gain from a stronger, more strategic partnership – one that builds on an already long-standing relationship. I am confident that we will continue to deepen and diversify our cooperation for many years to come.

Follow our social media accounts on @EUinKuwait for the latest updates!

Anne Koistinen

EU Ambassador to the State of Kuwait