The EU Delegation to Jamaica was established in 1975 after the signing of the first Lomé Convention in Togo. The Delegation also covers Belize, The Bahamas, Turks & Caicos Islands and Cayman Islands.

What we do

The European Union is a key development partner in the Caribbean. Through its programmes, the EU assists not only the government of the respective territories but offers financial assistance to non-governmental organisations and social upliftment entities. The programmes are diverse and tailored to meet the priority areas of each country.

Our assistance focuses on citizen security, corruption, reform of the justice sector, human rights, gender-based violence and poverty reduction, among other areas.

While the nature of how we fund these different areas has changed over the years, there is no doubt that we continue to strengthen our ties with Jamaica and other territories. A testament to this is the number of persons who have benefitted from our programmes and the good relationship we continue to share with the government and other stakeholders in the five countries.  

Our Office

  • Office of the Ambassador.
  • Political, Press and Information Section.
  • Cooperation Section.
  • Administrative Section.