Information about the Delegation of the European Union to Guyana.

What we do

The Delegation of the European Union in Guyana is part of the European External Action Service (EEAS) and is one of the more than 140 Delegations of the European Union in the world. The Delegation in Guyana was established in December 1972 following the signature of the First Lomé Convention. 

The Delegation represents the European Union in all matters of its competence. It actively promotes the values and policies of the European Union, in an open and equal partnership with the Governments and people of the countries to which it is accredited. It plays a key role in the implementation of the EU’s cooperation programmes and trade policies focussing on poverty reduction and the smooth and gradual integration of the countries into the world economy.

Following the entering into force of the EU Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the Delegation as part of the EEAS has now assumed the role of representing, coordinating and negotiating on behalf of the European Union in the countries to which it is accredited. The Head of Delegation, who has ambassadorial rank in his host countries, reports to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Mr Josep Borrell-Fontelles, who is also a Vice President of the European Commission.

The EU Delegation works closely with EU Member States represented in the host countries. The task of the Delegation, beyond the representation of Community interests, is one of co-ordination and co-operation with these missions. France (Suriname), the Netherlands (Suriname), are those EU Member States who have embassies in the countries to which this Delegation is accredited, though many more are represented by non-resident Ambassadors and Honorary Consuls.

Our office

The EU Delegation is currently structured as outlined below

  • Secretariat of the Head of Delegation / Ambassador.
  • Political, Press & Information Section.
  • Cooperation Section.
  • Administrative Section.