Travelling and studying in the EU can represent a unique space of opportunities and challenges for people who wish to do so. However, it is important to read immigration policies well to avoid future inconveniences. 

Valid Visas and Travel Authorisations

For Guatemalans:  

Travelers with a passport from Guatemala will be able to visit Europe without the need to apply for a Schengen visa or other additional authorization. However, until the end of 2022, they will have to comply with the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). The information collected through ETIAS will be used respecting fundamental rights and data protection principles, advance verification of potential security and irregular migration of high epidemic risks. 

 ETIAS Application: 

  • Applicants will be able to submit their application through an official website and/or an application for mobile devices before the start of ETIAS operations and will have to pay a fee of 7 euros. 

After completing an online application form, the system will perform checks of the EU information systems for borders and security and, in the vast majority of cases, will issue a travel authorisation within minutes. In limited cases, where more controls over the traveler are needed, the issuance of the travel authorisation could take up to 30 days. ETIAS travel authorisation will be a mandatory precondition for entry to the Schengen States. 

For people from other countries residing in Guatemala: 

People who reside in Guatemala and wish to travel to the Schengen Zone must first check if the passport of their country of origin requires the Schengen Visa or the travel application through the ETIAS system. 

Schengen Visa: 

After signing the Schengen agreements, it is possible to move freely from one country to another within the Schengen Area. A single visa, which must be issued by the country from which the trip to Europe begins, allows you to visit all the countries of the Schengen Area and cross internal borders without the need for additional formalities. 

Schengen Area and European Union 

The European Union and the Schengen Area are two different zones. Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus are EU countries, but they have not yet joined the Schengen Area: to travel to these countries you need a specific visa. 

Switzerland, Norway and Iceland do not belong to the EU but they do belong to the Schengen Area. 

The requested documents are: 

  • Application form with several copies. 
  • Two current passport-size photos in colour but on a white background. 
  • Supplementary scheme. 
  • Documentation on the purpose of the visit: It can simply be the document justifying the reservation of a tourist trip, or an invitation from a family member or friend. If applicable, documentation about the study or work centre. 
  • Justify the circumstances of your stay, such as a roundtrip plane ticket and a hotel reservation. In some cases, the authorities of the corresponding countries may ask you for some additional information. 
  • Bank statements. You will have to show that you have the financial means to meet your needs throughout the trip. Depending on the countries of the Schengen Area chosen as the destination, the requirements are different and you should contact the consulates or embassies of the corresponding countries to obtain the details of the aforementioned requirements. 
  • Proof of travel medical insurance. To enter the Schengen countries, valid medical insurance is required for the entire stay plus 15 courtesy days. For example, if you travel for 30 days you must have health insurance that covers 45 days. Medical insurance must cover expenses up to a minimum of 30,000 euros. Applicants are not required to present health insurance when submitting their visa applications. The insurance may be issued later when the application has been approved. This is to prevent applicants from having unnecessary expenses in case their visa application is denied. 

It is extremely important that all documentation is delivered at once, otherwise, the application may be rejected. The validity of the passport must be three months greater than the expiration date of the requested visa. 

Remember that before traveling you must make sure you comply with the immigration regulations and requirements of your destination country; additionally, you have to comply with the health protocol in the framework of COVID-19. 

Embassies of EU member countries

Find out where the Embassies of each of the EU member countries are located

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 

Address: Avenida La Reforma 9-55, Edificio La Reforma 10, Nivel 10 

Phone: +502 2364 6700 



Ambassador: H.E. Harald klein 

Embassy of the Republic of France 

Address: 5ª. Avenida 8-59, Zone 14, Edificio Cogefar  

Phone: +502 2421 7370 



Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel 

Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain 

Address: 6ª calle 6-48, zona 9 

Phone: +502 2379-3530 



Ambassador: H.E. Mr. José María Laviña Rodríguez. 

Embassy of the Italian Republic 

Address: 12 calle 6-49, zona 14, Edificio Santa Bárbara  

Phone: 2366-9271 

E-mail: or 


Name of the Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Paolo de Nicolo 

Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden 

Address: Avenida la Reforma 9-55, zona 10 Edificio Reforma 10, Nivel 11 

Phone: 2384-7300 

Fax: 2384-7350 



Name of the Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Hans Magnusson 



Concurrent embassies of European Union countries based in the region:

Embassy of the Republic of Austria 

Address: Sierra Tarahumara 420, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec C.P. 1100 Mexico D.F. 

Telephone: +52/1 (55) 5251 0806 



Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus 

 Address: Sierra Gorda 370, Lomas de Chapultepec, CP 11000, México, D.F. 

Telephone: 0052 (55) 52027600 

 E-mail: or  


Embassy of the Slovak Republic 

Address: Julio Verne No.35 Polanco Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11560, México, D.F. 

Phones: (00525-5) 5280-6544, 5280-6669 



Embassy of the Hellenic Republic 

Address: Monte Ararat 615, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 Mexico, D.F. Mexico 

Phones: (00525-55) 5520-2070, 202-1463, 5202 - 2310 



Embassy of the Republic of Poland 

Address: Calle Cracovia 40, Colonia San Ángel, 01000 Mexico City. 

Phone: (+5255) 5481-2050 


Embassy of the Czech Republic 

Address: Cuvier 22, Colonia Nueva Azures, 11590 México, D.F, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo. 

Phones: (00 52-55) 5531-2777, 5531-2544 



Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium 

Address: 4ª entrada a Los Yoses, 25 metros al sur, San José, Costa Rica 

Phones: (00-506) 2225-6633, 2225-6255 



Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 

Address: Paseo de la Reforma No. 1990 (Lomas de Chapultepec) 

Miguel Hidalgo Delegation, 11000 México, D.F. 

Phones: (00525-5) 5596-3295 - 5596-3283 



Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark 

Address: Bolonia, de Plaza España 1 cuadra abajo, 2 cuadras al Lago media cuadra abajo, Managua, Nicaragua. Apartado Postal 4942 

Telephone: (00-505) 268-0250 al 55 



Embassy of the Republic of Finland 

 Address:  Monte Pelvoux 111, piso 4, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 México D.F., México 

Tel. + 52-55-5540 6036, 



Embassy of the Republic of Hungary 

Address: Paseo de las Palmas 2005, Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo Delegation, 11010, México, D.F. 

Phones: (00525-5) 5596-0523, 596-1822 

E-mail: or embassydehungrí 


Embassy of the Portuguese Republic 

Address: Alpes No. 1370 Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel, Hidalgo, 11000, México, D.F. 

Phones: (00525-5) 5520 7897 



Embassy of the Republic of Rumania 

 Address: Sófocles 311, Colonia Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11560 México, D.F. 

Phones: (00525-5) 5280 0197, 5280 0447-5282 3133 

Email: or 



  • Image
    Europe stand inviting students to visit the continent with an Erasmus+ programme

Studies in the EU

Find out about study opportunities and strengthen your professional training


Erasmus+ is the EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe, offering opportunities for study, experience and volunteering. 

Who can participate? 

Erasmus + is open to many people and organisations, although the admission criteria vary according to the type of action and the country. 

Individuals (individuals, students or teaching staff) can participate in many Erasmus + funded opportunities, although most do so through an organisation participating in the programme. The admission criteria for individuals and organisations depend on the country where they are based. 

For more information on admission criteria, see the specific opportunities pages for individuals and organisations and the Programme Guide. 

How is it managed? 

The Erasmus + program is administered by the European Commission (the executive body of the EU), the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) and a number of national agencies in the programme countries and some partner countries.