Thomas Peyker has extensive experience in positions related to Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union. He has worked in inspecting and advising on the performance of diplomatic missions of the European Union, known as European Union Delegations. He has held positions in the diplomatic service of Austria in Ex-Yugoslavia, and for EU in Delegations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Dominican Republic, to the African Union in Ethiopia and opened the new EU Delegation in the United Arab Emirates. He was in the Executive Board of the World Food Programme in Rome (WFP) and coordinated the EU’s food aid for Africa. He has managed large scale EU reconstruction and infrastructure cooperation projects and humanitarian aid in the Balkans, in Africa and in the Caribbean, as well as several EU CFSP missions abroad. He was the EU’s legal adviser for CFSP and the EU liaison officer to the UN Department for Peace Keeping Operations (UNDPKO) in New York. He speaks German, English, French and Spanish and is the father of two boys.

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    Embajador Thomas Peyker

    The Ambassador of the European Union in Guatemala, Mr. Thomas Peyker.

Ambassador's Message

Dear users: 

For us, the next few years will be crucial. Together we are working very closely on the next programming phase for our new cooperation, which will be a fundamental support to foster the country's prosperity. We are also continuing to promote the implementation of the Association Agreement between Central America and the EU, which is essential for deepening trade activities between Guatemala and Europe.  

Another issue that is fundamental for the EU is the environment. The EU proposes to create a green pact with Guatemala, an environmental initiative to be implemented over the next seven years, due to the country's vulnerability to climate change. 

We invite you to learn more about the European Union and our work in Guatemala through this website and our different social networks.  

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I would hope that this space will be useful and of interest to you. 

Mr. Thomas Peyker, EU Ambassador in Guatemala