EUTM Mali: European Union Training Mission in Mali - Military Mission


EUTM Mali was launched on 18 February 2013. EUTM Mali is mandated to assist the Malian Armed Forces in restoring their military capacity through of the provision of advice, education and training. It supports the Malian authorities to reach self-sustainable Malian Armed Forces capable of conducting military operations to restore Malian territorial integrity and reduce the threat posed by terrorist groups. In addition, EUTM Mali delivers military assistance to the G5 Sahel countries (Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad), and to their Joint Force. EUTM Mali is not be involved in combat operations.



In 2012-2013, the crisis in Northern Mali left large parts of the country under the control of various armed factions. While a peace accord was reached in 2015, government control has not been restored in all areas and stability remains fragile. In recent years, the security crisis has shifted in nature and moved towards the Centre of the country. Intercommunal conflict, religious extremism and criminal activities, linked in some cases to illicit trafficking, are at the origin of most security incidents. The crisis has highlighted the need to improve governance and institutional capacities to enable the people of Mali to exercise their rights in full, including the right to security and justice.

In view of those events, the UN Security Council directly called on Regional and International organisations, including the EU, to provide coordinated assistance, expertise, training and support for the development of the Malian Armed Forces (MaAF) in order to restore state authority. All these events led to the adoption of a Council decision, which designed the structure and objectives of the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) Mali.

Restoring security and lasting peace in Mali is of crucial importance to Africa and Europe. EUTM Mali is an important element of the regional approach taken in the European Union strategy for security and development in the Sahel and for the European Common and Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

Helicopter taking off

Mission & goals

EUTM Mali was launched on 18 February 2013. EUTM Mali is mandated to assist the Malian Armed Forces in restoring their military capacity through of the provision of advice, education and training. It supports the Malian authorities to reach self-sustainable Malian Armed Forces capable of conducting military operations to restore Malian territorial integrity and reduce the threat posed by terrorist groups. In addition, EUTM Mali delivers military assistance to the G5 Sahel countries (Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad), and to their Joint Force. EUTM Mali is not be involved in combat operations.

In March 2020, the Council of the EU decided to extend the mandate of the EUTM Mali until 18 May 2024. With the new mandate, the mission’s area of operations has been expanded and now comprises the whole of Mali. The Council also authorised EUTM Mali to provide military assistance to the G5 Sahel countries.

EUTM Mali has been given two strategic objectives:

  • Contribute to improving the operational capacity of the Malian Armed Forces under the control of Mali’s legitimate civilian authorities;
  • Support the G5 Sahel through making its Joint Force and the national armed forces in the G5 Sahel countries operational.

Five military


EUTM Mali is composed of the Headquarters situated in Bamako, the Advisory Task Force, and the Educational and Training Task Force. The Advisory Task Force is also located in Bamako and is responsible for advising and training the personnel on the strategic and operational level. It also provides advice and training to the headquarters of the G5 Sahel Joint Force, helping to consolidate and improve its operational capabilities. The Educational and Training Task Force unit, based at the Koulikoro Training Camp, provides training to Malian Armed Forces units and supports training at the Military Education Centres to improve the leadership and operational management skills of Malian officers and non-commissioned officers. Within the new Mandate, the number of personnel is sanctioned to increase to more than 1,000.


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