Infantry training for Ukraine in Germany with EUMAM UA

How much people can learn in just six weeks is demonstrated in the training of Ukrainian soldiers within the European Union Military Assistance Mission Ukraine (EUMAM UA). Many of these newly soldiers never had any military experience until they started the training in Germany. In a very short time period they are prepared for combat operations in their home country.

Pictured: To conceal their movements from the enemy, the Ukrainian soldiers use smoke screens. This allows them to move quickly to the next cover.

Small clouds of dust swirl up as the combat boots of Ukrainian soldiers hit the sandy soil of a German base. Isolated rays of sunlight pass through the conifers and meet determined looking faces. In a stooped posture, the soldiers approach their target: the edge of the forest. From there they have to overlook the nearby village and reconnoiter enemies. The soldiers speak quietly at first among each other and then to their squad leader. He takes a decision and gives his men an order.

Everything happens quickly

Suddenly, everything happens very quickly: a small metal canister is thrown, a dense wall of fog unfolds and envelops the men. In addition, rifle shots whip through the air - another squad gives them fire protection. The soldiers run. Their next target is a house about 100 meters away, which offers saving cover. The air smells of gunpowder and sweat. All the Ukrainians have reached the house. The soldiers' chests rise and fall rapidly, their breaths short. They know: After a short break, they will continue to advance in the same way into the training village to confront enemies.

The scene is from a training area in Germany. Ukrainian soldiers are being trained here within the EUMAM UA. With the Special Training Command in Strausberg, Germany provides one of the mission's two training commands and makes a significant contribution to supporting the Ukrainian armed forces at various training centers.

German leadership

Since the start of the training mission in winter 2022, 5 000 Ukrainian soldiers have already been trained under German leadership. The spectrum ranges from training Leopard crews and air defense systems to advanced training for Battalion commanders. The main focus of EUMAM UA is on infantry combat training. What is unique about the training mission is the integration of many multinational instructors. A total of 24 of the 27 EU member states are currently active in the EU mission, eleven of them are training Ukrainian soldiers in Germany together with the Bundeswehr.

Infantry commanders in a wooded area in conference.

Pictured: Major General Piotr Trytek (2nd from right), commander of the Combined Arms Training Command (CAT-C) in Zagan, Poland, visited the training with Lieutenant General Andreas Marlow, the head of the Special Training Command, in Germany.

Lithuania is one of the partner nations involved in the training in Germany. One of the Ukrainian companies is trained by Kapitonas (Captain) Thomas K. and his soldiers from the Baltic States. For four weeks they have been accompanying the Ukrainian soldiers and teaching them infantry basic rules. For example, they learned tactical principles for urban fighting, how to storm a house, and that their own movements should always be accompanied with fire protection. "They are like an empty glass that we fill with knowledge," the officer says.

Military experience

Many of the trainees have had no military experience at all until they start training in Germany. Thomas goes on to say that the training is very demanding, even for him and his Lithuanian comrades. But, he says, it is also satisfying for the instructors, because after only a few weeks there has already been a great deal of development among the training participants.

"They are very eager and soak up every piece of information we give them," the instructor is pleased to say. He is sure that his people also benefit from the training sessions. Lithuania is planning to integrate the experience gained into the design of combat training.

Achieving the goal together

The training of Ukrainian soldiers in Germany is implemented in various training centers. One of these is run by Colonel Markus V. from Tank Brigade 12. He is enthusiastic about the way the training has proceed over the past few months. All the soldiers, whether instructors or trainees, showed a great deal of commitment and full dedication. "Everyone understood what it is all about," V. reports proudly. How seamlessly all areas worked together to ensure the possibly best training, was very special to him.

The integration of the allied partner into various training classes in a very short time worked out very well, noted the Colonel. "It is impressive what we can accomplish when we work in a goal-oriented manner," V. continues. Tthe successful training of Ukrainian soldiers is an absolute priority, and not only for the him: "Ukraine is also defending our values."