EUBAM Fosters Cooperation between INTERPOL and the Libyan National Counter-Terrorism Team

Supported and organized by the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Libya, key members of the Libyan National Counter-Terrorism team visited Lyon on a study trip in late March. The Libyan Counter-Terrorism (CT) Coordinator and EUBAM Law Enforcement Team were introduced to the key INTERPOL Directorates of Global Outreach and Regional Support, Counter-Terrorism, Organized and Emerging Crime, and Operational Support and Analysis.

During the visit, the Libyan delegation were briefed on projects, operations, and training concepts in different fields of crime, as well as the fundamental functions and databases of INTERPOL. This paves the way for further planning to improve the capacity of Libyan law enforcement agencies, connecting Libyan and global efforts in countering terrorism and combatting organized crime through INTERPOL cooperation.

Several INTERPOL units are currently planning projects and activities regarding Libya. As part of the visit, EUBAM Libya Law Enforcement Team had opportunities to present and promote its role in coordinating and supporting planned INTERPOL activities for Libyan law enforcement.

INTERPOL CT Directorate has developed an intelligence analysis training concept that could link Libyan CT efforts closely with INTERPOL’s Counter-Terrorism Crime Analysis File (CT CAF). CT CAF is the world’s largest repository of Foreign Terrorist Fighter information. Data in CT CAF is processed with IBM iBase and Analyst Notebook software which could be a model for the planned CT Fusion Cell within the Libyan Centre for Combating Terrorism.

The coordinator of the National Counter-Terrorism Team, Major General Muhammad Bashir Salih, expressed his gratitude for the warm reception his team received from the General Secretariat of Interpol. He also stressed his aspiration for further support and coordination with both the EUBAM Mission in Libya and with INTERPOL, which would provide benefits to all parties.