Border Management: Training of Trainers for Libyan counterparts

From 12 to 23 February 2023 EUBAM Libya conducted two separate workshops for trainers of Libyan border guards at the Ministry of Defense as well as for members of the Ministry of Interior.

Libyan partners with their Train the Trainer-certificates at the closing ceremony. 

Both workshops were held in specialized training centers. The goal was to provide Libyan partners with necessary knowledge in training systems, methodologies and techniques so that they can be more efficient in managing their own training activities without being depend too much on international actors.

One of the experts of the Border Management Unit of EUBAM Libya explained that the schedule of the training is exclusively related to training methods and classroom management. Role model is the student-centered learning perspective with several topics raised, such as corresponding principles of a practical and real approach, trainer’s roles and responsibilities, crucial aspects of motivation and successful classroom preparation. Last but not least, effective communication and learning tools played as well important roles for the effective implementation in future assessments and contributions.

The participants received official certificates from EUBAM representatives, who attended the closing ceremony of the training. The latter stated the importance of joint cooperation and support provided by EUBAM to the Ministries of Defence and Interior. Topics on how to strengthen and intensify this cooperation to contribute more and more to border security rounded off the talks.

Mariano Lasala from the international experts stressed that the relationship between the command staff of the two training institutions of the Ministry of Interior (MOI) and the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is excellent: “We do not have only a fruitful communication but we share also common ideas about projects and an excellent cooperation.”