Get to know the Ambassador of the European Union to Ethiopia, Mr. Roland Kobia.

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    Ambassador of the European Union to Ethiopia, Mr. Roland Kobia.

    Copyright: EU Delegation


Message from the Ambassador

Connecting the European Union with the diplomatic capital of Africa

Dear visitors,

Welcome to the website of the European Union Delegation to Ethiopia. Here you will find news and information on the European Union-Ethiopia relationship, our joint cooperation projects and other activities. Please also follow the Delegation on social media - Facebook  and Twitter - for the latest up-dates of our activities.

Addis Ababa is the diplomatic capital of Africa, and therefore an essential place for enhancing the Europe-Africa partnership. The EU Delegation, as part of the European External Action Service's network of  diplomatic missions and offices in third countries, implements the EU Global Strategy and other key foreign and security policies in close collaboration with the Member States of the EU.

The European Union and its Member States are proud partners of Ethiopia for more than 40 years. Today the Cotonou Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries provides the overall framework for political, economic and development cooperation until 2020; the negotiations for future agreements is about to be launched.  Ethiopia is a key partner in the implementation of projects under the European Development Fund (EDF), humanitarian assistance provided by ECHO and the EU Trust Fund for Africa on Migration.

The EU-Ethiopia strategic engagement, signed in June 2016, provided an additional boost for enhanced relations in areas such as regional peace and security; countering terrorism and radicalization; migration; social and economic development, investment and trade; governance and human rights, climate change and environmental cooperation. The EU cooperates with many Ethiopian stakeholders including Government, civil society and the private sector. Cultural diplomacy, consular and Schengen visa cooperation are also important aspects of our work in Ethiopia.

Mr. Roland Kobia, Ambassador of the European Union to Ethiopia.