World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development: Joint Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell, Vice-President Margaritis Schinas and Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen

20.05.2023 EEAS Press Team

The European Union’s motto of “united in diversity” shows how cultural diversity is at the very heart of the Union’s foundations. We remain committed to preserving and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity, making culture accessible to all. We work together with our partners, through dialogue and in a spirit of mutual learning and understanding, in respect of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, recognising equal dignity of and respect for all cultures.

Cultural diversity and inter-cultural learning offer enormous potential to empower civil society and citizens, including young people and women, to contribute to a prosperous, more sustainable and peaceful future. Culture is a source of inclusive growth, of innovation and job creation, particularly important for youth, and of peaceful relations. We strive to connect, share and co-create and to boost culture and creativity.

We stand firm in upholding these principles worldwide as essential elements of a democratic and peaceful society.

For instance, the EU is proud to be Guest of Honour at the largest international book fair outside the EU in Guadalajara, Mexico in 2023 under the title “Building a Union of Cultures”. The EU has furthermore renewed its financial support to the EU-UNESCO Expert Facility to provide cutting edge expertise to partner countries on cultural policies and creative industries to maximise the potential of culture for sustainable development.

In many parts of the world however, spaces of freedom, including freedom to create, are shrinking. In Ukraine, Russia deliberately loots, destroys and tries to eradicate Ukrainian cultural heritage and culture. Russia’s actions constitute war crimes and we remain committed to hold all those responsible to account.

The EU stands by Ukraine in protecting its cultural heritage and its cultural ecosystem. We will continue our efforts in stopping the illicit trafficking of cultural goods, as reflected in our trade legislation and most recent EU Action Plan. And we will continue to support those, who strive to promote culture and cultural cooperation, even in fragile and difficult environments.

This is why the Council of the European Union adopted a new firm stand for “At-risk and displaced artists.” Promoting peace, solidarity and diversity, including cultural diversity are key EU values and universal principles we all must respect and strive for everywhere in the world. The EU will continue promoting cultural diversity across actions and interactions with partners. Because cultural diversity is a human right. And because tolerance and respect of cultural diversity gives the best guarantee of international peace and security.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53