Women and Accountability in Syria: Closing the Gender Information & Participation Gap


In this panel discussion, the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) aims to kick start dialogue and engagement among key stakeholders working towards accountability for mass crimes committed over the course of the conflict, on the issue of improving data collection of women victims of mass crimes.


  • Introduction by Inji El Bakry (GPPi): Summary of the main research and findings of “The Last Straw: How Chemical Weapons Impact Women and Break Communities”, including a breakdown of the structural gendered information biases encountered.
  • Input from Marie Ange Barbary (Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression – SCM) focusing on the gap in documentation, the challenges in capturing female experiences, and the relevance to accountability and justice efforts.
  • Input from Lubna Alkanawati (Women Now for Development) focusing on her personal experiences as a witness to the chemical attacks in Eastern Ghouta, and different takes on women’s justice and accountability, as well as the challenges faced during her ongoing time with Women Now for Development..
  • Q&A and discussion with stakeholders.

Moderation by Ms.   Sarah   Dadouch,   Middle   East   Correspondent   for   the   Washington   Post.


Organiser: Global Public Policy Institute

Date: 26/03/2021 15:00-16:00 CET

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