Unlocking Potential: The Civic and Economic Role of the Private Sector in Syria


Organisers: UNDP, London School of Economics, ILO, the Embassy of Italy in Syria and the Embassy of Japan in Syria

This side event builds on a series of private sector dialogues including the side event held on the margins of the Brussels VII Conference in 2023, and the recent session held in Turin in March 2024, co-organised by UNDP and ILO, supported by the Embassy of Italy and the Embassy of Japan. The dialogue in Turn comprehensively assessed the current state of private sectors in Syria and proposed implementable solutions to expand inclusive economic opportunities, promote recovery, and contribute to efforts for building peace.

An effective civic role of the private sector in Syria should complement rather than compete with other civil actors, such as the diaspora and civil society. In the context of Syria, this role also requires close coordination with public authorities and international actors that should prioritize encouraging the civic engagement of the private sector rather than solely focusing on its role in economic recovery.


The side event seeks to underscore the significance of the civic role that the legitimate private sector could play in addition to its economic role. It will focus on exploring the opportunities for empowering this sector, enabling it to fulfil its civic and economic responsibilities more effectively. Specifically, the event aims to:

  1. Discuss the civic engagement of the private sector in Syria before the crisis, including its limitations, and assess how this engagement has been impacted by the crisis.
  2. Understand the interlink between the civic and economic roles of the private sector and identify the challenges hindering this sector's contribution to an inclusive and transparent recovery in Syria.
  3. Examine the role of the international community, as well as the Syrian diaspora and civil society, in empowering the private sector to fulfil its civic and economic roles.
  4. Propose practical recommendations for policy makers, international organizations, businesspersons, Syrian diaspora, and Syrian civil society to address the challenges facing the private sector in Syria and unlock its potential positive civic and economic contributions to the early recovery and resilience-building process.
09:00 am - 12:30 pm
UN House
How to join?

For online participation, please register via this link.

In-Person Attendance: Please confirm your attendance with your name, position, organisation, and email address by contacting Tammam Yahia: