Union for Mediterranean: Joint Communiqué by the Co-Presidency after 8th Regional Forum in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain
EEAS Press Team

Barcelona, 27 November 2023

The following Joint Communiqué by the Union for Mediterranean Co-Presidency, Jordan and the European Union, represented by Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and High Representative Josep Borrell, reflects the points of convergence identified by the two Co-Chairs. In light of the tragedies unfolding before our eyes, it is more essential than ever to underline what unites us and not to allow the extremists to set the agenda. The EU has repeatedly condemned the horrific terrorist attacks of 7 October in the strongest possible terms, emphasised Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas in line with international law and international humanitarian law and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

Nothing can justify targeting defenceless civilians. Every civilian life matters, and one horror cannot justify another. The Palestinian people should not pay the price for the actions of Hamas.

To defeat Hamas, Palestinians need a credible political prospect for statehood based on international parameters. A Palestinian State in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem is the best and only long-term guarantee for Israel’s security.

Our work towards a definitive resolution of the conflict cannot wait for the day after, and it requires international unity across the Mediterranean and beyond.

In this context, the Co-Chairs of the Union for the Mediterranean have agreed the following joint communiqué of the UfM Co-Presidency:


 Text of the Joint Communiqué:

- The Eighth Regional Forum of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) gathered Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Euro-Mediterranean region on 27 November 2023 in Barcelona under the Co-Presidency of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the European Union to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular the grave situation in Gaza, its impact on the region and the way forward. 

- Ministers thanked the host country Spain, the UfM and its Co-Presidency for facilitating and organising the Regional Forum. 

 - The Co-Presidency identified significant points of convergence at the meeting.

- They expressed grave concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza and stressed the urgency of the delivery of sustained and sufficient humanitarian supplies to all parts of Gaza, including fuel. 

- They welcomed the agreed humanitarian pause and the release of civilians and expressed appreciation for the roles of Qatar, Egypt, the US and others. 

- It was stressed that the humanitarian pause needs to be extended with a view to leading to a permanent ceasefire and that all hostages need to be released. 

- They condemned growing hostilities by extremist settlers in the West Bank, calling for perpetrators to be brought to justice, and the increase of detentions without charges or due process.

- They stressed the urgent need and obligation to protect civilians and to respect international humanitarian law by all and at all times and condemned indiscriminate killing and targeting of civilians. 

- They stressed their rejection of any displacement of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, as well as the internal displacement of Palestinians inside Gaza.

- It was emphasised that hospitals, medical facilities, and health workers, as well as UN facilities and their workers must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law.  

- They underlined the indispensable role of UNRWA and reaffirmed the need to support it politically and financially to allow it to fulfil its UN mandate.

- They reaffirmed the collective responsibility to achieve a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-state solution and in accordance with international law, relevant UN resolutions and agreed terms of reference. 

- They emphasized commitment to working together to realize the two-state solution as the only viable path to solving the Palestine-Israeli conflict and to ensure freedom and dignity for Palestinians, sustainable security for Israelis, and lasting peace and stability for the entire region. 

- In line with statements of the European Council of 26-27 October and the Arab-Islamic Summit of 11 November, they supported the convening of a peace conference with the parties as soon as possible, in order to achieve a just peace by implementing the two-state solution, with clear time lines and agreed implementation mechanisms, with two sovereign and secure states, Palestine and Israel, living side-by-side in peace and mutual recognition on the basis of the 4 June 1967 lines.

-The urgent need to halt all unilateral measures that undermine the two-state solution was emphasised, including settlement building and expansion, and respect for the historical status quo of holy sites in Jerusalem, including the Hashemite custodianship. 

- They expressed commitment to building on the Peace Day effort launched by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the League of Arab States, and the EU.

- They will continue to work together for the achievement of a permanent ceasefire as an immediate top priority. They will continue working with all stakeholders to ensure sustained mechanism for uninterrupted and unhindered delivery of humanitarian supplies to all parts of Gaza and resumption of all essential services there, to release all hostages and innocent detained civilians and to cooperate on the preparation of the peace conference.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53
Gioia Franchellucci
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 229-68041