Unfolding Landscapes - Art Exhibition

On the 29th of January the exhibition UNFOLDING LANDSCAPES presenting major artworks by 42 Ukrainian artists opened at KunstCentret Silkeborg in Denmark. That was before the Russian full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine had started and when many of us believed that this could not happen.

After the end of the exhibition in Silkeborg on 1 May the artworks were supposed to be shipped back to the respective lenders in Ukraine. However, it turned out that under the circumstances of war the works cannot be returned for an unknown period, since many of the owners – artists and collectors – are unavailable, their homes are destroyed, they are hiding, fleeing or fighting. Hence, the exhibition has become homeless, as are thousands of Ukrainian refugees.


Facing the scenario of homelessness, the European External Action Service “adopted” this exhibition and supported its relocation to Brussels - hopefully as the first stop of a large European tour. The Royal Museum of Art and History in Brussels has kindly agreed to host this exhibition on their premises from 20 July - 18 September 2022.

This exhibition offers the unique opportunity to share Ukrainian culture with the European population, and to create a space with a sense of home for Ukrainians abroad and above all for Ukrainian refugees. It will also contribute to strengthening the image of Ukraine, which recently became an EU candidate country.

Teaser video
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Exhibition Opening by SG Sannino, 19 July 2022
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"Unfolding Landscapes" exhibition | Yuri Yefanov
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"Unfolding Landscapes" exhibition | Natalia Matsenko
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The exhibition is initiated by Sergei Sviatchenko (DK/UA), curated by Faye Dowling (UK) and Natalia Matsenko (UA), and commissioned by Iben From (DK).

Artists represented: Anna Bekerskaya, Nazar Bilyk, Katya Buchatska, Hryhoriy Havrylenko, Ksenia Hnylytska, Oleksandr Hnylytskyi, Oleg Holosiy, Lucy Ivanova, Zhanna Kadyrova, Pavlo Kerestey, Vitaliy Kokhan, Alexey Kondakov, Dana Kosmina, Taras Kovach, Mykola Kryvenko, Anatoliy Kryvolap, Katya Libkind, Pavlo Makov, Sasha Maslov, Mykola Matsenko, Yevgen Nikiforov, Yuriy Pikul, Julie Poly, Georgiy Potopalskiy, Vlada Ralko, Stepan Ryabchenko, Vasyl Ryabchenko, Ruїns Collective, Andriy Sahaidakovskyi, Oleksiy Sai, Yuri Solomko, Marina Skugareva, Tiberiy Silvashi, Sergei Sviatchenko, Elena Subach & Viacheslav Poliakov, Oleg Tistol, Yuri Yefanov, Lesja Zajac, Viktor Zaretskyi, Anna Zvyagintseva and Alexander Zhyvotkov.

This exhibition is being brought to you with the collaboration of:



09:30 am - 05:00 pm
Royal Museum of Art and History
How to join?

Tickets are not required for this activity, this activity is free of charge.

Target audience: all

Languages: English/French/Dutch

Find out more: Unfolding Landscapes - Art Exhibition