Turkmenistan: 14th Human Rights Dialogue with EU takes place


The European Union and Turkmenistan held the fourteenth round of their annual Human Rights Dialogue on 25 November 2022. The meeting took place in person in Ashgabat for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vepa Hajiyev led the Turkmen delegation, the delegation of the EU was led by Andrea Rossi, Deputy Head of the Central Asia Division of the European External Action Service. The Ombudwoman of Turkmenistan, Ms Yazdursun Gurbannazarova participated in the dialogue.

An open and transparent dialogue on the rule of law and human rights is an essential part of our bilateral relation. Progress in the field of human rights and democratisation is a prerequisite for the ratification of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement by the European Parliament, as specified in its resolution of 12 March 2019.

The dialogue allowed for an open and frank exchange on a wide range of human rights issues in Turkmenistan; including the legal framework for the protection of human rights, the situation of civil society, restrictions on the freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression and long-standing concerns about torture and ill-treatment in places of detention and enforced disappearances in the prison system.

The EU further recalled the need to demonstrate willingness to address issues identified by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) with regard to free, transparent and inclusive elections. The EU encouraged Turkmenistan to cooperate with UN monitoring bodies and special procedures to allow for independent review of progress made on implementation of its human rights commitments, also in view of Turkmenistan’s Universal Periodic Review scheduled for 2023.

The parties further discussed gender equality, non-discrimination, and the economic social and cultural rights. The EU noted the commitment and efforts made by Turkmenistan to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities and efforts to strengthen social and care assistance to persons in vulnerable situations. The parties discussed the situation with regard to the elimination of forced labour in the cotton industry, welcoming the cooperation with the International Labour Organisation and the ongoing expert monitoring visits.

The EU raised a number of individual human rights cases during the dialogue and a list of cases of concern was handed over by the EU Delegation. It was agreed to further strengthen dialogue on individual cases, and follow up through regular bilateral discussions.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0)460 75 45 53