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The moment has arrived! We came together with more than 50 musicians in 11 countries to reduce distances. Listen to this song!

Due to the coronavirus lockdown, as people are exhorted to stay at home and practise physical distancing, social connections and solidarity are greatly needed. Festivals, performances and concerts have been cancelled, and musicians are using social and streaming platforms to play live for their fans.

Across the region, there are a lot of Venezuelan refugees and migrants who are musicians and have founded or joined orchestras in their host countries. Forming now part of the bi-national orchestras, they have recorded themselves performing from their houses and through their phones and computers from Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Panama, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Canada.

A total of 53 Venezuelan musicians in 11 countries in the Americas recorded themselves playing Algo esta Pasando, an original song from the Latin Vox Machine Orchestra.  Algo esta pasando offers a hopeful message in times of uncertainty, gives a boost of energy and joy with the certainty that a better tomorrow is yet to come. A better future, that we can all build together. "We are all able to build a better tomorrow" A message that refugees and migrants from Venezuela send us from Canada to Argentina, a song of hope that we all need to hear today.  #Together4Venezuelans