Sudan: Statement by the High Representative Borrell on the political developments


Yesterday’s violence perpetrated by security forces against peaceful demonstrators in Sudan led to at least 17 more casualties and hundreds injured. This senseless killing is unacceptable. Reports of security forces going into hospitals to arrest protestors and prevent injured people from getting treatment are very disturbing. Doctors report being intimidated and threatened and announced to go on strike.

This violence and aggression against peaceful demonstrators constitute violations of basic human rights such as freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and protection of civilians. Perpetrators of these violations will be held accountable.

The European Union is deeply concerned about the total information blackout inflicted by authorities during the day of protests yesterday. It will not prevent the world from being informed about these human rights violations. It will also not prevent the international community to hear the clear call of the people of Sudan. All communication services should be immediately and fully restored.

With this violence, the military power in Sudan is sending a very negative message to the people of Sudan, who have so courageously created a peaceful revolution in 2019 and who rightly demand freedom, peace and justice for all in Sudan.

The European Union has supported the democratic transition in Sudan from the start and will not accept that the constitutional order and the democratic transition fails because of the military coup of 25 October. If the constitutional order is not immediately restored there will be serious consequences for our support, including financial.

The military power should heed the call of the people and return to constitutional order. Prime Minister Hamdok must be re-instated and allowed to form a civilian government. All detainees since 25 October should be immediately released. The only way out of this crisis created by the military coup of 25 October, is an inclusive dialogue on a roadmap to jointly address the many difficult issues which still lie ahead on the path towards democratic transition. The people of Sudan demand and deserve freedom, peace and justice for all and the military power should join the people in achieving it.

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
+32 (0) 2 29 88093
+32 (0) 460 79 52 44
Gesine Knolle
Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/International Partnerships
+32 (0)2 29 54323
+32 (0)460 754 323