Statement by the Spokesperson on the electoral process in Bolivia


Statement by the Spokesperson on the electoral process in Bolivia

“As final results of last Sunday’s presidential and legislative elections in Bolivia are still pending and civil unrest is rising in the country, the European Union expects the Bolivian government and electoral authorities to resolve the situation in a manner that respects the people's will, the credibility of the electoral process and that preserves social stability.The interim OAS (Organisation of American States) mission report has identified substantial shortcomings of the electoral process, notably the unexpected interruption of the publication of the voting results, that undermine the necessary credibility and transparency. The European Union fully shares the OAS assessment that the Bolivian authorities should finalize the ongoing counting process and that the best option would be to hold a second round to restore trust and ensure the full respect of the democratic choice of the Bolivian people.We call on all parties to refrain from violence and from making declarations that are divisive. A constructive approach is essential for national peaceful reconciliation.The European Union has been a major partner of Bolivia promoting economic and social development, as well as strengthening the rule of law. Our cooperation is based on shared democratic values that should be upheld at all moments.”