Rule of law in Northeast and Northwest Syria


Organisers: World vision, United Nations human rights, Global protection Cluster

Access to rights in Northeast and Northwest Syria has become increasingly challenging for crisis-affected communities amidst the on-going conflict, and protection crisis which began 12 years ago. The recent earthquakes in February have further compounded humanitarian needs while exacerbating existing protection concerns and driving new risks. Importantly, this includes growing risks linked to the loss of documentation, and the related intensification of risks related to trafficking, recruitment, evictions, and risks of statelessness for affected population groups in Northeast and Northwest Syria.
To reduce the vulnerability of Syrians residing in Northeast and Northwest Syria and strengthen their ability to enjoy basic rights and the rule of law, it is crucial to support access to documentation and other legal services in a context of strengthened rule of law.
While current humanitarian response and early recovery efforts have provided communities with coverage on basic needs, the exposure to ever-worsening risks coupled with diminished capacity at the community level to implement risk mitigation strategies will mean continued protection needs. Four months after the start of the earthquake response, further reflection is needed to understand how to more effectively invest in strengthened rights and rule of law to support further recovery and resiliency over the longer term.
This roundtable discussion aims to support such reflection by bringing together protection and human rights partners to review the current situation and to explore new and alternative ways of working to ensure strengthened access to rights and, ultimately, greater resiliency for crisis-affected Syrians in the coming months and years.
• Opening Remarks
• Overview of Rule of Law Situation
o Reflexions on the NWS/NES current needs and capacities to address the rule of law situation
o Global parameters for rule of law related response
• Roundtable Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges to improve rule of law in NWS/NES
o Diverse protection and human rights partners will deepen reflections on challenges and ways forward
o Q&A session
• Closing Remarks
Organisers/Speakers: North-West Syria/North-East Syria Protection Cluster and AoRs, Global Protection Cluster, WorldVision, Care, OHCHR, IRC, NRC, Syrian NGOs.

10:00 am - 12:00 pm
World Vision Brussels & Eu Representation Office, Rue Marie-Thérèse 21, 1000 Bruxelles
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