Response to the Petition - Urgent: European Union Sanction Israel


Dear petitioners,
Thank you for your message of 12 May to High Representative Josep Borrell. I have been requested to reply on his behalf.
The EU has continuously expressed its grave concern about settler violence, which recently has reached record levels, and called on Israel to prevent it and ensure that perpetrators of crimes are held accountable. On 19 April 2024, the Council adopted restrictive measures against violent extremist settlers, listing four persons and two entities under the EU Global Human Rights Sanction Regime for their involvement in serious human rights abuses1. Discussions are ongoing on possible additional listings.
However, any decision on sanctions, including the addition of restrictive measures on individuals and entities, is subject to a decision by the Council by unanimity of all 27 EU Member States.
The EU will continue to underline that all parties must respect international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law. The EU stresses the importance of respecting and implementing the orders of the International
Court of Justice, which are legally binding. Violations of international humanitarian law need to be thoroughly and independently investigated and accountability ensured.