Response to the Petition - Urgent Action Required: The Dire situation in Rafah and Gaza


Dear petitioners,
Thank you for your message of 10 May 2024 to the High Representative/Vice President of the Commission Josep Borrell. I have been asked to reply on his behalf.
The EU continues to urge the Israeli government to stop the ground operation in Rafah. The binding ICJ order of 24 May must be respected and implemented without delay, in conformity with international law. The operation is further disrupting the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza and is leading to more internal displacement and human suffering. More than a million civilians evacuated to areas that, according to the United Nations, cannot be considered safe.

The current situation calls for urgent measures to alleviate the suffering and we are in continuous contacts with the Israeli Authorities. Possible violations of international humanitarian law need to be thoroughly and independently investigated and accountability ensured. We have recently invited Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz to a special meeting of the EU-Israel Association Council, where, if both parties agree, we could discuss a range of different topics related to our bilateral relations.

Meanwhile, as the biggest provider of external assistance to the Palestinians, the EU will continue supporting civilians most in need in Gaza, and has already earmarked 193 million euros for humanitarian aid in 2024. In addition, the EU supports the humanitarian situation through the EU Humanitarian Air Bridge operation and mobilises aid through the Cyprus Maritime Corridor in coordination with the US floating pier facility.

In parallel, as we approach the second half of 2024, we have already paid EUR 66 million of the EUR 82 million annual funding to UNRWA, a crucial and irreplaceable actor in the region.

Yours sincerely,