Republic of Moldova: Remarks by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell following his visit to a refugee center


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What we are witnessing here is a small part of the consequences of the brutal war that Russia is doing against Ukraine. Along the borders of the European Union with Ukraine, almost 1 million people have been escaping the war. Russia is attacking the cities using cluster bombs and thermobaric bombs, provoking a lot of casualties among the civilians. It is clear, people are escaping.

I want to praise and thank the effort that [the Republic of] Moldova is doing in order to support the refugees. [The Republic of] Moldova is a small country, certainly not the richest country in Europe, and in spite of that it is doing a great effort. More than 100,000 Ukrainian refugees are here, receiving support from the Moldovan people. 20,000 children with their mothers. Do you see how people are?

It is a political threat to peace and stability, and it is a humanitarian crisis. We are here together with my friend and fellow Commissioner [for Neighbourhood and Enlargement] Olivér [Várhelyi] to explain how the European Union is going to support you to support refugees coming from Ukraine. And now is the moment to ask for peace, to ask to stop the war, to ask to allow for people to go back home.

Yesterday, Russia was condemned by an overwhelming majority at the United Nations. There is a call to stop this war, to stop this brutal aggression against Ukrainians. In the meantime, we are going to support [the Republic of] Moldova to support Ukrainian people. Olivér [Várhelyi] will explain how.Link to the video:

Nabila Massrali
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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