Protection of civilians and the engagement with Armed Non-States Actors (ANSAs) in Syria


Through this event, the Norwegian Refugee Council and the Geneva Call aim to highlight the importance of protection of civilians through humanitarian activities in Northern Syria, in camps and off camps activities and through engagement with ANSAs and de facto authorities.


Welcome and opening remarks

Vance Culbert, Head of region for the Middle East and North Africa, Geneva Call


Brief joint analysis on the situation of the protection of civilians in Syria

Maxime De Taisne – Programme Coordinator in Syria, Geneva Call

Nasser Rawashdeh – Protection Advisor, Norwegian Refugee Council – Syria Response Office


Panel discussion

Bahia Zrikem, Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Norwegian Refugee Council

Khalil Al Barry – Head of Mission – Syria, Geneva Call

Mamar Merzouk, Syria team leader, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)

Mark Cutts, the Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, United Nations 


Q&A – Moderator – Mariam Ismail, Regional Operation coordinator, Geneva Call


Closing remarks

Mark Cutts, the Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis, United Nations


Organiser: Geneval Call and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Date: 23/03/2021  14:00 - 15:30 CET

Registration required

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