Launching the new Civilian CSDP Compact: strengthening the EU’s civilian response to crises and conflicts

EU Member States have just adopted an ambitious new Civilian CSDP Compact. This ground breaking agreement aims to enhance the capacity of our 13 civilian missions to effectively respond to global security challenges, providing tailored support to partners worldwide.


Through 20 concrete commitments, the Civilian CSDP Compact seeks to improve the impact, speed and effectiveness of the EU's response to crises. Since 2003, the EU has deployed 25 civilian missions under the Common Security and Defence Policy, with 13 missions currently operating across three continents. These missions play a crucial role in the EU's response to external conflicts and crises, supporting security sector reforms (for example in Iraq), building institutional capacity (for example in the Palestinian territories), and promoting peace processes (for example in Armenia).

The new Compact is organised into four work strands: act, secure, invest, and partner. It includes detailed deliverables and timelines to achieve the following goals:

  1. We will establish a fully-fledged headquarters at operational level for all civilian missions.
  2. We will be able to deploy 200 experts within 30 days, including to complex environments.
  3. We will strengthen the resilience of host states and our civilian missions against hybrid and cyber threats, as well as foreign information manipulation and interference.
  4. We will invest in more and better capabilities aiming to reach 100 percent seconded personnel with at least 40 percent women’s participation.
  5. We will cooperate more and better with local and international organisations, in particular UN, NATO and OSCE, to ensure sustainable results.
EUMM Civilian Compact Training

By promoting a modular and scalable approach, the Compact will enable the EU to respond more quickly and effectively to rapidly unfolding crises. It will also upgrade existing rapid response tools to enhance the resilience of host countries against emerging security challenges, including hybrid and cyber threats.

EUMM Civilian Compact Training of National Guard Police Officers

The Compact will systematically integrate human rights and gender into all civilian mission activities. It will also strengthen partnerships with international organisations and engagement with local communities to better address global security challenges.



Under the EU flag, Member States deploy police, coast guards or border management experts. Around 2,200 women and men deploy in the EU civilian CSDP missions work hand in hand with counterparts in host countries. The civilian CSDP missions promote stability and build resilience through strengthening police, rule of law and civil administration in fragile and post-conflict environments.

The new Civilian CSDP Compact builds on the achievements of the first Civilian CSDP Compact adopted in 2018. New policies, concepts and procedures have been introduced within the framework of the Compact, with the aim of providing more and better capabilities for civilian CSDP. For instance, all Member States addressed national cooperation and coordination between line ministries and law enforcement agencies that are seconding personnel to civilian missions. The European Centre of Excellence for Civilian Crisis Management, which is based in Berlin and was also founded under the first Compact, has further supported Member States in those areas.