Joint Communiqué: V Joint Committee between the European Union and Central America

26.10.2023 EEAS Press Team

The fifth meeting of the Joint Committee of the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (PDCA) between Central America (CA) and the European Union (EU), took place on 26 October 2023, at the premises of the Central American Integration System (SICA), in Antiguo Cuscatlán, El Salvador.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama on the Central American side. Belize participated in the political dialogue and the Dominican Republic participated virtually as an observer. El Salvador acted as coordinator for the Central American side and the General Secretariat (SG-SICA) participated at the invitation of the coordinator.

The European Union was represented by the European External Action Service (EEAS), which co-chaired the meeting.

The representatives of Central America and the European Union:

1. Highlighted the solidity and dynamism of relations between the two regions, based on milestones such as the San José Dialogue in 1984; the entry into force of the PDCA in 2014; the entry into force of the Trade Pillar of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union, from 2013; and the previous editions of the Joint Committee in 2014, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

2. Reaffirmed the importance of the integration processes in both regions, as instruments that have structured significant actions for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development in favour of the well-being of their populations.

3. Took note of the recent adoption of the Regional Intersectoral Plan against Organised Crime (PRICCO) by the Central American Security Commission (CSC-SICA), as a further step in strengthening joint action against transnational organised crime, in order to strengthen security for the population.

4. Highlighted the benefits derived from the trade pillar of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union.

5. Acknowledged the progress in the process of ratification by Belgium of the aforementioned Agreement, hoping for its rapid conclusion and its full entry into force.

6. Called for strengthening joint work to address the multiple international crises, shaping actions on shared priorities such as green transition, innovation and social inclusion, with special emphasis on the fight against climate change, and always based on fundamental shared principles and values.

7. Underlined that respecting, protecting and guaranteeing the human rights of all people is fundamental, including for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Both parties should advance their social policies and inclusive and sustainable development, with special attention to the most vulnerable populations, in compliance with international law and respect for the principle of sovereignty.

8. Recognised the high vulnerability of the Central American region to the effects of climate change, urging the strengthening of national and regional climate systems and services, considering the pillars of mitigation and adaptation.

9. Acknowledged the efforts of Central American countries to address migration in a comprehensive manner and to face the challenges of increasing irregular migration flows in the region, ratifying their commitment to promote safe, orderly, regular and humane migration.

10. Underlined the importance of the efforts needed to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, based on the principle of shared but differentiated responsibilities.

11. Underlined the relaunching of the CELAC-EU dialogue as an opportunity to raise the various areas of the bi-regional relationship to the level of the current international context, as well as to realise benefits at sub-regional and national level, with a view to achieving an equitable and supportive multilateralism.

12. Welcomed the implementation of the Sub-Window for Central America of the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021-2027, as well as its benefits in the areas of Green and Blue Recovery; Connectivity and Digital Transformation; Sustainable Economic Integration; and Inclusive and Peaceful Development.

13. Recognised the potential for cooperation in areas such as blue economy; food and nutrition security; renewable energy and energy efficiency; promotion of green hydrogen; sustainable mobility; economic recovery; social protection; gender equity; among others.

14. Expressed their appreciation for this meeting, as it constitutes an evidence of the good state of the bond between both Parties, favoured by being two of the most successful regionalisms in the world.

15. Welcomed the agreements and progress achieved in realising the fifth meeting of the Joint Committee between Central America and the European Union in the framework of the PDCA, expressing their commitment to follow up on the existing joint projects and initiatives between the Parties to the PDCA.

16. Agreed to hold the next political and cooperation dialogue in 2024.