Independent Financial Monitoring/Tracking and Risk Management in Syria


The discussion will revolve around the challenge of operating in unbanked crisis zones / high-risk jurisdictions such as sanctioned Syria.

The specific focus of the event will be on Amanacard’s experience of the past four years in supporting health, education and multi-purpose cash programming in North-West and North-East Syria via a single delivery mechanism that builds confidence of banks and donors to keep the lifeline open.  Speakers will also discuss the potential to create efficiencies and timeliness, and enhance accountability and dignity of the aid recipients, where cash is delivered in the absence of banks.

Speakers will include:

  • Dr Erica Moret (Independent expert-Sanctions; Senior Researcher, Graduate Institute; Coordinator of the Geneva International Sanctions Network);
  • Dr Zahed “Hamza” Katurji (Syrian doctor; Operations/Medical Adviser, Amanacard);
  • Dr Edwina Thompson (Independent expert-Hawala, SecureAid)

Organiser: Amanacard

Date: 26/03/2021  15:00-16:00 CET


Please contact to register for this event.

Webinar, Virtual