A human centric approach in digital connectivity for Europe and Asia

The third online edition of the Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference (AESCON3) was held on June 14-15, 2023. This year the conference focused on a key priority area for the two regions: Digital Connectivity.


With an emphasis on the intersection of human-centric and resilient digital transformation, AESCON3 reflected on the digital partnerships between the EU and Asia, as well as the fast-changing global geopolitical and geo-economic landscape.

The conference featured four panel discussions mobilising diverse Asian and European expertise over two half-days, privileging a multistakeholder approach to digital connectivity challenges and opportunities.

The conference was divided into four thematic sessions.

  1. Bridging regional interests and global challenges in digital connectivity
  2. Enhancing human rights through digital connectivity
  3. Securing resilience through cybersecurity cooperation
  4. Disaster preparedness and prevention

In her opening remarks, Helena König, Deputy Secretary-General for Economic and Global Issues at the European External Action Service, stressed the need for Asia-Europe cooperation on global internet governance, multi-stakeholder approaches for digital innovation, and ICTS connectivity, while underlining the promising prospect of EU Global Gateway investments in the Indo-Pacific and the leadership of Asian partners on digital connectivity.

At the end of the conference, David Ringrose, Head of Connectivity and Digital Transition at the European External Action Service, commended the discussion for combining political and practical issues to strengthen Asia-Europe cooperation in advancing human-centric and resilient digital connectivity.

Screenshot of David Ringrose

David Ringrose, Head of Connectivity and Digital Transition at EEAS

The conference has been organised by the European Union and the Center for European Policy Studies, in partnership with the Sejong Institute in Seoul, Korea, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the Asia Europe Foundation in Singapore.

Approximately 100 people from both continents attended the sessions on both days.

Background information

AESCON (Asia-Europe Sustainable CONnectivity Scientific Conference) is a meeting place for experts from the EU and Asia to work together on expanding sustainable connectivity opportunities and cooperation prospects between the two regions. The AESCON platform fosters an open dialogue to reinforce the connectedness of the EU-Asia scientific network. Started in 2020, AESCON is the first scientific conference on Asia-Europe sustainable connectivity, bringing together researchers and policy analysts working in the field of international connectivity, globalisation and their impacts on sustainable development, with a particular focus on Asia-Europe connections. The conference aims to provide an academic forum to discuss global challenges on transport infrastructure, energy transition, climate change, digital economy, trade and investment flows, security, people mobility, among others.