The #GlobalTechPanel brings together leaders from the tech industry, the world of investment, and civil society. The aim of the Global Tech Panel is to foster new types of cooperation between diplomacy and technology to address challenges and threats but also to make innovation a true force for good in an increasingly more complex and connected world.

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About the Global Tech Panel

Convened by High Representative Borrell, the #GlobalTechPanel brings together leaders from the tech industry, the world of investment, and civil society. The aim of the Global Tech Panel is to foster new types of cooperation between diplomacy and technology to address challenges and threats but also to make innovation a true force for good in an increasingly more complex and connected world. The Global Tech Panel is a forum for the open discussion and practical development of innovative solutions; it focuses specifically on the nexus between tech and common foreign and security policy.

The Global Tech Panel last met on 18 February 2021, in a reflection on how to join forces to deal with the opportunities and risks that the world faces as it emerges from the pandemic.

High Representative/Vice-President Borrell said: “The COVID-19 pandemic calls for new types of partnerships and alliances to tackle the threats of the 21st century. We must harness the potential of technology to help us solve global problems. We must use the potential of business and civic engagement to its full extent.”

In the coming months, the members of the Global Tech Panel will work together to explore potential areas of engagement ranging from pandemic recovery to education and security to working with partners in Africa on digital transformation, among others. On this basis, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell will reconvene the Panel again for a meeting in the coming months.

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The Global Tech Panel has met 6 times since it was created by former High Representatives Federica Mogherini in April 2018: first in Brussels, twice in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 and 2019, once in Seattle, then in Helsinki, and most recently by video-conference “in Brussels” due to the pandemic. The Global Tech Panel has also held an informal working session with the EU Foreign Affairs Council in Defence Ministers’ formation and a joint meeting with the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation in 2019. Panel Members have engaged in extensive outreach to advance the objectives of the Panel, including pro bono entrepreneurship mentoring events in Tunisia, participation in the High-Level Forum Africa-Europe 2018 “Taking cooperation to the digital age” (link is external), addressing the EU-African Union and EU-League of Arab States Political and Security Committee Meetings, and leading discussions in many other international fora. Global Tech Panel Members have also participated in the EU Ambassadors Conferences and EEAS trainings, helping to craft a new digital diplomacy for the 21st century.

"Our discussions in the Global Tech Panel so far have strengthened my conviction that a new conversation is needed between diplomacy and technology leaders on solving problems together," said Federica Mogherini following the first meeting of the Global Tech Panel in Brussels in June 2018.

"Whether it’s responding to climate change, global inequality, automation or new weapons, positive change requires a new, collaborative approach if we are to shift the dial back towards progress."

At the same time, Mogherini said, the Global Tech Panel was working on "regulating the military applications" of new technologies. This reflects the second major theme of the meeting: the governing framework for Lethal Autonomous Weapons.

Global Tech Panel members

Oussama Ammar

Co-Founder, TheFamily

Oussama Ammar is Co-Founder at The Family. He has helped The Family’s portfolio companies to raise over €300M+ in the past four years, constantly pushing them to increase their ambitions in order to build the category-defining companies of the 21st century. He also uses his years of entrepreneurial and investing experience to educate audiences across the globe, giving talks and writing regularly about the realities of building startups and the future of the digital economy.

Børge Brende

President, Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum

BA, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. Former: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway; Political Adviser to Conservative Party Chairman; Chairman, Young Conservatives; CFO, KB-entrepreneur; Member, Municipal Executive Board, Trondheim; Deputy Chairman, Norwegian Conservative Party; Member, Storting, Norwegian Parliament; Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs and Deputy Chairman, Standing Committee on Energy and Environment; Cabinet Minister of the Environment; Chairman, UN Commission on Sustainable Development; Cabinet Minister of Trade and Industry; Chairperson, PD Burma - Int’l Network of Parliamentarians promoting democracy; Secretary-General, Norwegian Red Cross; International Vice-Chairman, China Council for Int’l Cooperation on Environment and Development (advisory board to the State Council); Chairman of the Board, Mesta (Norway’s largest company in infrastructure maintenance); Managing Director, World Economic Forum. Since 2017, President, World Economic Forum. Member of the Board, Statoil. Recipient of awards and honours, including: Commander, Royal Norwegian Order of St Olav (2005); Cavaliere Di Gran Croce, Italy (2005); «Gift to the Earth», WWF (2004).

Joy Buolamwini

Founder - Algorithmic Justice League; MIT Media Lab - Graduate Researcher

Joy Buolamwini is a poet of code who uses art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence. She founded the Algorithmic Justice League to fight the coded gaze -bias in AI. At the MIT Media Lab, she pioneered techniques that are now leading to increased transparency in the use of facial analysis technology globally. She leads the IEEE working group to create the first international standards for facial analysis technology. Her TED Talk on bias in AI has been viewed over 1 million times. 

As the inaugural Chief Technology Officer for Techturized Inc. and Swift Tech Solutions, Buolamwini led software development for underserved communities in the United States, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria and Niger. In Zambia, she explored empowering citizens with skills to create their own technology through the Zamrize Project. Buolamwini is a Rhodes Scholar, Fulbright Fellow, and Google Anita Borg Scholar. She holds master’s degrees from Oxford University and MIT and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is pursuing a PhD at MIT focusing on participatory artificial intelligence.

Solina Chau

Executive Director of Li Ka Shing Foundation and Co-founder of Horizons Ventures, Hong Kong

Ms. Solina CHAU serves as the Executive Director of the Li Ka Shing Foundation ( (link is external)), a charitable organization established in 1980 by Mr. Li Ka-shing. The Li Ka Shing Foundation to date has donated over 20 Billion HK dollars (US $2.56b) to support reform initiatives in education and advancements in medical research and services.

Apart from managing the Li Ka Shing Foundation, Ms. Chau founded Horizons Ventures HK Ltd ( (link is external)) in 2002 to identify investment opportunities to support technological solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Firmly believing in the world of technology and its “prescient value” to offer hope to the future, over the years, Horizons’ investments have spanned from artificial intelligence, reality computing to synthetic biology and health technologies, many of whose mission is to tackle and resolve the issues that propels the world to be better.

In 1996, Ms. Chau also founded the H.S. CHAU Foundation ( (link is external)) with a focus on strengthening education and women’s initiatives. To date, the H.S. CHAU Foundation has donated more than 1 Billion HK dollars towards various initiatives, from providing university scholarships for women seeking higher education, building primary schools and recreational sports grounds in China, to supporting a nationwide research-based science competition for high school seniors.

Tom Fletcher CMG

Principal of Hertford College, Oxford University

Tom served as the foreign policy advisor to Prime Ministers Blair, Brown and Cameron, before becoming British Ambassador to Lebanon (2011-15) and a Visiting Professor at NYU (2015-20). He is the author of the bestselling Naked Diplomacy: Power & Statecraft in the Digital Age (2016) and Humanifesto: How to Take Back Control of the 21st Century (Harper Collins, September 2021). He led reviews of the modernisation of the FCO (2016); future of the UN (2017) and the future of learning (2019). He is a former chair of the international board of the UK's Creative Industries Federation, adviser to businesses, academies and NGOs, and a member of the EU Global Tech Panel. He writes for the NYT, Prospect, Foreign Policy, The National and others, is a regular interviewee on BBC, Sky, CNN and has been profiled by the BBC, Arab News and more. His Foundation for Opportunity supports good people doing good things in public life.

Jim Hageman Snabe

Chairman Siemens AG and A.P. Moller – Maersk

Master’s degree in Operational Research, University of Aarhus; Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Former co-CEO of SAP AG., Chairman A. P. Moller - Maersk (DK), Chairman Siemens AG (D) Vice Chairman Allianz SE (D). Member of the Board of Trustees at World Economic Forum (CH). 

Based on 25 years of experience in the IT industry Jim Hagemann Snabe is focused on leadership around innovation, digitization and societal progress. As co-CEO of SAP Jim was together with Bill McDermott instrumental in driving the strategic development of SAP to double the value of the company and play a more responsible role in society. In 2013 he and co-CEO Bill McDermott were ranked #2 on (link is external)’s listing of the top fifty highest rated CEOs, based on their 99 percent approval rating from employees. 

In his capacity as a global business leader Jim is involved in a number of activities focused on societal progress and the role of business in society. Snabe’s views on leadership is shaped by his commitment to solving societal issues and his trust in human potential. 

Snabe received a master’s degree in operational research from the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark. In 2016 Jim was appointed Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School based on his work around digital transformation and its impact on business and society. He lives with his family in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Amel Karboul

CEO, Education Outcomes Fund for Africa and The Middle East

Dr. Amel Karboul is a social entrepreneur, chairwoman, author and politician. She is passionate about nurturing a new generation of responsible leaders and building bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges. Master’s with honors in Mechanical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT), Germany; Doctorate in Coaching and Mentoring, Oxford Brookes University, UK. Held leadership roles in Mercedes-Benz, DaimlerChrysler; senior consultant roles at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg and as Secretary-General of the Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF). Quickly became known as an award winning executive coach, published author and a trusted advisor for CEO’s of global organizations as well as family owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Visiting professor at DukeCE; member of the Global Diplomacy Lab; advisory board member of CLP, WTFL and GBCEd.

She was until Feb 2015 Minister of Tourism in the Tunisian transition government that has been appointed after the successful quartet negotiations (Nobel Peace Prize Winners 2015) and nominated as one of 10 leading young African politicians. She published her book Coffin Corner; outlining a new leadership culture suited to the complexity and dynamics of the 21st century!

Cassandra Kelly

Tech Entrepreneur, Board Director, Adviser and Speaker

Cassandra has held executive and leadership roles in large multinationals in various countries and has founded businesses in financial services and technology. She co-founded multiple award-winning Pottinger, bringing together strategy, policy, M&A and data analytics. At Pottinger, she trade-marked Destination Led Strategy. She stepped aside as CEO and Chair and remains a senior advisor. 

Cassandra derives satisfaction from the advisory and speaking engagements which allow her to work with political and corporate global leaders who dare to lead and relinquish the status quo. 

She is an advisor to the G20/B20 process focused on digitalization, is an Expert International Advisor to their One Belt One Road initiative and works with The Brookings Institution as a member of the leadership council for the Center for Universal Education. 

Cassandra founded the influential diversity initiative, The Glass Elevator. She has personally supported the development of hundreds of senior executives in Australia.

Nicklas Berild Lundblad

Former Vice-President, Public Policy & Government Relations EMEA, Google

Dr Nicklas Berild Lundblad joined Google in 2007, first building the public policy team in the Nordics before being recruited to build a long term policy research and strategy team in Mountain View. He spent three and a half years in Mountain View building and leading this team after which he returned to Sweden in 2013 to take on the role as head of Google’s EMEA public policy team, a post he held until 2019. Nicklas holds a PhD in informatics, and is an adjunct professor in innovation at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences in Sweden, an Eisenhower Fellow and has served on a number of boards. In 2012 he was one of 21 Google executives globally given a Great Manager Award. He is the author of three books on information technology and policy, and is a regular contributor to several newspapers and magazines.

Risto Siilasmaa

Chairman of F-Secure, partner in First Fellow Partners; former Chairman of the Board of Nokia

Risto is the founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of F‐Secure Corporation. He is also an active venture capital investor with over 30 active investments via First Fellow Partners, a fund management company where he is both a general partner and the only limited partner.

Risto was the Chair of the Board of Directors of Nokia Corporation in 2012-2020. Prior to that he also served as the Chair of the Board of Directors of Elisa Corporation in 2008-2012.

Risto is a Board member of Futurice and Picosun and a member of Komatsu International Advisory Board, a member of the International Advisory Board at IESE Business School and a member of the Global Advisory Board of Yonsei University School of Business (YSB). In addition Risto is a Senior Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group. Since 2017 he has served as a Finnish Chairman of the China-Finland Committee for Innovative Business Cooperation. Risto was a member of the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT) in 2012–2020.


Spotify Vice President, Global Government Relations

Emery Simon is Global Vice President for Government and Regulatory Relations at Spotify. He is responsible for managing Spotify interactions with governments around the world on initiatives that affect Spotify’s core business strategies, including privacy, security, competition, tax, entry into new markets and social impact. Before joining Spotify, Emery has had diverse experience in business and government working in over 70 countries in the America’s, Europe and Asia. 

He has advised and represented the leading software companies for over two decades on a broad range of U.S. and international policy issues including intellectual property, technology policy, trade and security. 

Previously, Emery was the lead United States government negotiator on technology and intellectual property at the World Trade Organizations, in the North American Free Trade Agreement and in over sixty bilateral agreements. 

He also spent many years working for the U.S. Congress on foreign aid issues, at the Inter-American Development Bank and the Council on Environmental Quality. Emery has a law degree from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in international affairs from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Queens College.

Linkedin profile Emery Simon (link is external)

Brad Smith

Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer

Brad Smith is Microsoft’s president, chief legal officer, and chief compliance officer. Smith plays a key role in representing the company externally and in leading the company’s work on a number of critical issues including privacy, security, accessibility, environmental sustainability and digital inclusion, among others. Since joining Microsoft in 1993, Smith has overseen numerous negotiations leading to competition law and intellectual property agreements with governments around the world and with companies across the IT sector. He has played a leading role within Microsoft and in the IT sector on government surveillance, privacy, intellectual property, immigration and computer science education policy issues. In 2013 he was named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in the United States. 

In March 2015, Smith joined the Netflix board of directors. He also works to advance several significant diversity and pro bono initiatives, serving as chair of the board of directors of Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) and as chair of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). In addition, Smith chairs the board of the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship program. 

Smith earned his J.D. from the Columbia University and studied international law and economics at the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

Megan Smith

CEO, 3rd U.S. Chief Technology Officer (2014-2017)

As the third U.S. chief technology officer (2014-2017), Megan Smith helped President Obama and his teams harness the power of data, innovation and technology on behalf of the nation. Smith recruited top tech talent to serve across government and to collaborate on the most pressing issues of the day, from data science, AI and open source, to inclusive economic growth and criminal justice reform. She focused on broad capacity building by co-creating all-hands-on-deck initiatives, including the public-private program TechHire, the Computer Science for All initiative, and the Image of STEM campaign. 

Prior to her role as U.S. CTO, Smith served as vice president of new business development at Google, managing early-stage partnerships across the company’s global engineering and product teams. She led acquisitions of Google Earth, Maps, and Picasa, steered the shift of to include more direct engineering impact, such as Google Crisis Response, and later served on the leadership team of GoogleX, where she co-created SolveForX and Women Techmakers. Earlier, Smith was CEO of PlanetOut and pioneered early smartphones technologies at General Magic.

Mustafa Suleyman

Vice President of Artificial Intelligence Policy, Google, Co-founder of DeepMind

Vice-President of Artificial Intelligence Policy at Google since 2020. Mustafa Suleyman is co-founder and formerly Head of Applied AI at DeepMind, where he was responsible for integrating the company’s technology across a wide range of Google products. In February 2016 he launched DeepMind Health, which builds clinician-led, patient-centered technology in the NHS. Mustafa was Chief Product Officer at DeepMind Technologies, before the company was bought in 2014 by Google in their largest European acquisition to date. DeepMind was a leading AI company backed by Founders Fund, Li Ka-Shing, Elon Musk, and David Bonderman amongst others. At 19, Mustafa dropped out of Oxford University to help set up a telephone counselling service, building it to become one of the largest mental health support services of its kind in the UK, and then worked as policy officer for then Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. He went on to help start Reos Partners, a consultancy with eight offices across four continents specializing in designing and facilitating large-scale multi-stakeholder ‘Change Labs’ aimed at navigating complex problems. As a skilled negotiator and facilitator Mustafa has worked all over the world for a wide range of clients such as the UN, the Dutch Government and WWF.

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Digital for Development

The EU and its Member States are the world’s leading providers of development assistance – including in the field of connectivity. The Global Tech Panel, is working to combine the Panel members' insights, influence, networks and resources for concrete projects to advance human development and harnessing tech for all.

International Security and Lethal Autonomous Weapons

Exploring how Artificial Intelligence can deliver for human advancement and international peace is a key pillar of the work of the Global Tech Panel. A top and hot priority is to help develop and implement the principles of ethical and responsible innovation to govern the development of technologies used in weapons systems, and to ensure accountability and compliance with international law.

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