European Diplomatic Academy: Towards the future of EU diplomacy

Twenty-one junior diplomats from 19 different EU Member States and one official from the General Secretariat of the Council took part in second phase of the pilot project of the European Diplomatic Academy for 2023-2024.


The group started its training in August 2023 with a preamble organised by the College of Europe in Natolin (Poland) before joining Bruges (Belgium) for a 4-month core course focused on the European Union’s external action, including the CFSP, and its role as a global actor.

The programme concluded with a one-month training assignment at the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels during which the participants applied their newly acquired knowledge and skills to contribute to the headquarters’ work.

On January 18, the participants gathered to the EEAS for the closing ceremony. Rector of the College of Europe and Director of the European Diplomatic Academy Federica Mogherini, Secretary-General of the EEAS Stefano Sannino and Principal Advisor to the project Fernando Gentilini took the floor to congratulate the diplomats.

Collage of picture of Federica Mogherini and Picture of SG Stefano Sannino delivering a speech at the closing ceremony of the European Diplomatic Academy

Rector of College of Europe Federica Mogherini and EEAS Secretary General Stefano Sannino delivering their speeches at the closing ceremony of the European Diplomatic Academy on 18 January 2024

Three participants of the programme also took the floor and highlighted the esprit de corps formed within their cohort and the importance of the training programme for a stronger European foreign policy. The young diplomats and EU officials finally received their final diplomas. 

The second group of junior diplomats and officials of 2023-2024 will arrive in Bruges in early February 2024 to undertake identical training as the one just concluded.

The pilot project towards the establishment of a European Diplomatic Academy was launched in 2022 by the EEAS. The aim is to build a European diplomatic corps that shares a truly common European diplomatic culture, thereby capable to promote and defend EU’s interests in the world.

The pilot programme is implemented by a consortium formed by the College of Europe in Belgium (Bruges) and the College of Europe in Poland (Natolin). Its Director is Federica Mogherini, former EU High Representative for Foreign and Security policy and current Rector of the College of Europe.