EU-Kazakhstan: 21st Cooperation Committee Meeting held in Brussels

10.06.2024 EEAS Press Team

On 6 June, in Brussels, the European Union and the Republic of Kazakhstan held their 21st meeting of the Cooperation Committee. The EU acknowledged the positive dynamics in EU-Kazakhstan bilateral relations and expressed its commitment to maintain the momentum and further enhance this relationship. The EU and Kazakhstan exchanged views on topics of common interest in the current challenging geopolitical context. The EU welcomed Kazakhstan’s principled position in support of the international rules-based order and the UN Charter, as well as for its constructive role at regional and global level.

The EU welcomed the political and socio-economic reforms undertaken under the leadership of President Tokayev and encouraged Kazakhstan to purse this reform path. The two sides discussed ways to achieve further progress in the field of human rights, including conducting a full, transparent and independent investigation into the tragic January 2022 events that resulted in the death of over 200 people. 

The EU remains Kazakhstan’s first trading partner and the biggest foreign investor in Kazakhstan. The EU underlined the importance of improving Kazakhstan’s business climate to take full advantage of the economic possibilities under the EU-Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA). The EU encouraged Kazakhstan to continue its efforts on preventing circumvention of EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus.

The EU and Kazakhstan took stock of continued progress on connectivity. Following the successful Global Gateway Investors’ Forum for EU-Central Asia Transport Connectivity (29-30 January 2024, Brussels), the EU is advancing on delivering the EUR 10 billion pledge in the form of ongoing and planned investments in sustainable transport connectivity in Central Asia. The EU thanked Kazakhstan for hosting the upcoming launch of the Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor (TCTC) Coordination Platform in Astana on 12 June 2024.

The two sides also discussed cooperation on critical raw materials, energy security, green transition and fighting climate change. Kazakhstan remains a reliable energy supplier for the EU. The EU welcomed growing cooperation in education and research and expressed readiness to continue joint work on people-to-people mobility, including by opening up the aviation space. The EU looked forward to the initialling of the Horizontal Aviation Agreement as soon as possible. 

The Cooperation Committee also discussed EU-Central Asia regional cooperation, including in the field of education, water and environment, rule of law, security, counter-terrorism, fighting drug trafficking and border management.

The meeting was chaired by Deputy Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia, European External Action Service, Luc Devigne and Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Roman Vassilenko.

Peter Stano
Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
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