EU co-chairs the GCTF high-level week to strengthen multilateral security and counterterrorism efforts

On September 18-20, the EU –with GCTF co-chair Egypt – convened counterterrorism experts, practitioners and diplomats for the 22nd edition of the GCTF Coordinating Committee and 13th Ministerial meetings in New York.

The GCTF Co-chairs Egypt and EU, together with representatives from the newly-inducted GCTF members. Left to right: Alfred Mutua (Kenya), HE Sameh Shoukry (Egypt), HE Josep Borrell (EU), Hamad Al-Mashaan (Kuwait) Photo: David Delgado.

The Global Counterterrorism Forum – a multilateral counter-terrorism platform to strengthen civilian efforts to counter and prevent terrorist threats and violent extremism – held its 22nd Coordinating Committee meeting and 13th ministerial meeting in New York on 18 and 20 September.  

A key outcome of the meetings, was the accession of Kenya and Kuwait to the Forum, in the first-ever expansion since its creation in 2011. This Membership expansion brings greater regional representation, inclusivity, focus on Africa and frontline states – foundational pillars of the Co-Chairs’ Strategic Priorities.

In the meetings that took place over the course of the GCTF High Level week, , GCTF members exchanged with local government leaders from Iraq, Kenya and Morocco on the challenges and opportunities in preventing violent extremism at the local level, with a focus on gender-sensitive approaches and a focus on youth focus; the importance of a whole-of-society approach was at the forefront of this discussion. The GCTF Co-chairs also invited inspiring female practitioners to share their stories and insights on their engagement in countering and preventing terrorism and violent extremism, highlighting the indispensable role of women as drivers of peace and innovation. Further, the EU presented an initiative on oversight and accountability mechanisms in counterterrorism – much-needed to address gaps in national responses to human rights violations – in line with its commitment to promoting human rights in the counterterrorism domain.

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell wrapped up the GCTF high-level week with his Egyptian counterpart, Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukry, co-chairing a ministerial discussion on the rehabilitation and reintegration of former terrorist fighters and violent extremists.

In all meetings, the co-chairs sought to engage more prominently the three Institutions closely associated with the GCTF – the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF), Hedayah, and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ),  collectively known as the GCTF-Inspired Institutions – into the broader work of the GCTF and to implement GCTF operational tools through their actions on the ground.  

The GCTF Co-Chairs Egypt and the European Union, will continue to emphasize their commitment to working with the GCTF members to implement a comprehensive and global approach that addresses the root causes of terrorism and provides adequate – and operational – responses to threats on the ground.


The Global Counterterrorism Forum was established in 2011 by 30 Members as an informal multilateral counterterrorism platform to strengthen international efforts in the strategic, long-term approach to counterterrorism and preventing and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism. It has since responded to new and emerging threats through the development of practical tools for policymakers and practitioners. The Forum collaborates with partners around the globe to identify critical civilian-led counterterrorism needs and to mobilize the necessary expertise and resources to support capacity building.

The GCTF Coordinating Committee Meeting takes place twice each year. This was the second Coordinating Committee meeting, and the first Ministerial meeting, co-hosted by Egypt and the European Union.

To know more about the GCTF, please click here.