EU-Central Asia: Annual high-level Political and Security Dialogue held in Brussels

18.05.2022 EEAS Press Team

The Deputy Secretary-General / Political Director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Enrique Mora hosted on Tuesday 17 May in Brussels the 9th round of the annual EU-Central Asia High-level Political and Security Dialogue, with the participation of the Deputy Foreign Ministers of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The meeting provided an opportunity for the EU to reiterate its strong commitment to the region, which has been confronted in the past two years to the severe repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, of the Taliban takeover in Kabul, and of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.The EU reaffirmed its willingness to support all efforts aiming to intensify regional cooperation in Central Asia.

The EU and Central Asian participants discussed pressing foreign policy and security issues, in particular the wider international implications of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They exchanged views on regional developments, including the challenges stemming from the current situation in Afghanistan. The EU reiterated its wish to step up cooperation with the region in the management of water-related challenges and to participate in the Dushanbe Conference on Water to be held in early June.    

In the side-lines of the Dialogue, the EEAS hosted an experts’ meeting to discuss the preparation of the forthcoming EU-Central Asia High-level Conference on Connectivity, which will provide an opportunity to advance inter-regional cooperation in the promotion of sustainable connectivity.