EU-ASEAN: Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell at the 30th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)

Let me start by saying that it is a pleasure to be here again in this important regional forum, at the heart of the Indo-Pacific.

We, Europeans, want to step up our engagement with partners in the region:

  • We have our EU Indo-Pacific Strategy adopted in 2021 and have organized two EU-Indo-Pacific Fora in Paris (February 2022) and in Stockholm (May 2023).
  • We are committed to ASEAN Centrality and want to step up our dialogue and cooperation in ASEAN-centered fora to promote peace and security.

Let me focus on five key issues:

1. The link between the climate crisis and security

While we are discussing geopolitics, we should all be equally aware of the massive and growing impact of climate change on peace and security.

Recurring climate extremes, rising temperatures and sea levels, desertification and water scarcity can all create migratory displacement, pandemics, social unrest, instability and conflicts, which in turn have serious security implications.

By 2050, more than one billion people will have insufficient access to water. Soil degradation and drought will follow.

Given the cross-cutting links between climate change and security, we consider it necessary that the ARF would pay increased attention to the threats of climate change and environmental degradation on peace, security and defence.

2. The Korean Peninsula

The continuing launches of missiles by the DPRK, such as the ICBM ballistic missile launched just two days ago, as well as references to the use of nuclear weapons, threaten regional peace and security.

The route to sustainable security lies in the DPRK ceasing missile launches and nuclear tests, which is key to resume dialogue with the main parties.

The EU is ready to support a new diplomatic process aimed at building sustainable peace and security on the Korean peninsula.

3. Myanmar

Myanmar must remain a high priority. The massive suffering and oppression of the civilian population by the military junta must stop.

I would like to pay tribute to the Indonesian Chairmanship for deploying a well- structured diplomatic approach to reduce violence and kick-start an inclusive dialogue. The EU calls on all ARF partners to support the Chair’s endeavours.

The junta must end its use of force, release all political prisoners and implement the ASEAN Five-Point Consensus. This is the only way to start a genuine political process.

4. Taiwan and the South China Sea

The EU has a clear interest in preserving peace, stability and in maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

We are concerned by China’s increased military activities there. Nobody should unilaterally change the status quo by force or coercion. Tensions must be resolved through a meaningful and open dialogue.

The EU will continue engaging with Taiwan in line with our One China Policy, which means that we will not recognize Taiwan independence.

In the wider South China Sea, we continue to observe increased militarization.

Disputes must be resolved through peaceful means and comply with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

We welcome the recently concluded maritime delimitation agreements.

We encourage progress in the ASEAN-led process towards an effective, substantive and legally binding Code of Conduct, respectful of third parties.

5. Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified military invasion of Ukraine

We continue to stand against Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine, which blatantly violates international law and the UN Charter.

Russia’s irresponsible nuclear threats, undermining of arms control regimes, and deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus, are dangerous and unacceptable.This should be condemned by all, because it is a matter of defending core principles of international law.

The EU supports President Zelenskyy’s self-defence of Ukraine and Peace Formula, based on Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and the need to restore its territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders.

We call on Russia to withdraw its troops from the occupied territory of Ukraine.

Thank you.