EU and UN to increase cooperation on civilian crisis management

Crisis management of EU Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy to be boosted by new UN agreement.


On 14 December 2023, the EU and the UN formally agreed to strengthen practical collaboration between EU Civilian CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy) crisis management and the United Nations Department of Operational Support (UN DOS).

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The agreement will increase UN operational and logistics support to CSDP Civilian Missions.

The agreement is in line with the 2023 Civilian CSDP Compact. The Compact encourages partnerships with the UN on peace operations and crisis management, in particular in the area of logistics, including through hybrid solutions combining physical warehousing and framework contracts.

Exchange of letters

The exchange of letters was signed by MD CPCC-CivOpsCdr Stefano Tomat and UN Assistant Secretary-General Anne Marie van den Berg at UN Headquarters in New York.

The basis for enhanced EU-UN cooperation is the EU-UN 2020 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Mutual Support. It enables UN DOS logistics and supply chain support to EU civilian CSDP missions, in particular through the United Nations Global Service Centres in Brindisi and Valencia.

Both parties also agreed to collaborate further to operationalise innovative solutions for information systems and to improve the sustainability of EU civilian Missions.