The EU and the Council of Europe: Get to know Europe’s organisations in a fun way !


On Europe Day 2021, let’s learn more about Europe together! 9 May 2021 is a great opportunity to celebrate European cooperation and unity at a time of global health crisis. United in diversity, the EU draws its energy from the commonalities and differences of its peoples, national identities, languages, culture and traditions. Its strength also lies in its cooperation and permanent dialogue with other international organisations, such as the Council of Europe, and its respect for common fundamental values.

The EU Delegation to the Council of Europe (that’s us J if you want to find out what lies behind the complicated name you’re in the right place) is therefore launching a short video campaign entitled “One Europe, two distinct stories” explaining the differences between the EU and the Council of Europe and the areas in which they cooperate.

But first, what do you know about both organisations? Have you always thought they were the same thing? Well, they are not! Let us see how European citizens from Strasbourg, Brussels and Frankfurt answered this question…

Remote video URL

Remote video URL

"One Europe, Two Distinct Stories” is a short, playful and engaging video series that will provide you and your community with educational material as well as greater insight into EU-Council of Europe cooperation on a landmark day for all Europeans around the world. Have a look here:


Since the pandemic outbreak, the European Union has been facing multiple challenges in its attempt to halt the spread of the virus, accelerate vaccines rollout and come up with a coordinated approach for a sustainable and just recovery. To deliver on its priorities further, the EU must stay united and build on its major strengths of being an area of freedom, solidarity and justice. It must also continue to work in close cooperation with the Council of Europe to strengthen the foundations of the European project by protecting and promoting the core values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

This date is therefore an excellent opportunity to reaffirm the need for an ever deeper and meaningful partnership between the EU and the Council of Europe, especially in light of the recent EU Joint Communication on strengthening the EU’s contribution to rules-based multilateralism. Over the years, the structured cooperation between the EU and the Council of Europe, based on their different yet complementary roles, has become more strategic and developed into a success story.

9 May 2021 is also the date of the launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe, in Strasbourg, which is a formidable starting point to reflect on Europe’s values and legacy. It will also allow us to ponder upon our European future, taking into account the current coronavirus pandemic and future challenges. Have your say here!


Everything about the EU you thought you didn’t know! From the EU in the world and its history to what it has in store for the future. Take our Quiz here and become the EU’s newest Ambassador in the World!


Happy #EuropeDay2021