Empowering persons with disabilities for inclusive recovery and peace in Syria


Organisers: UNDP Syria and the Government of Finland

This event is a call for all stakeholders to engage in dialogue, collaboration, and collective efforts to contribute to overcoming the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Syria, paving the way for a more inclusive and resilient Syrian society.

The objectives of this side event are:

  • to shed light on the current landscape of disability inclusion efforts in Syria, underscoring the significant work done by UNDP and local and international partners;
  • to catalyze a global dialogue among stakeholders, ranging from policymakers and donors to practitioners and the affected communities, to explore effective strategies for scaling up disability inclusion into the broader humanitarian, developmental and peace agendas; and
  • aligned with the principles of inclusion and a human rights-based approach, to incorporate the voices of persons with disabilities in all strategic and programmatic processes, ensuring their active participation and leadership.
02:00 pm - 04:15 pm
Online event